Chapter 65

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Two demons sat in back of the cafeteria. The dark-haired one had his head down. The other, with brown hair, drummed his fingers on the table and checked his watch.

Zoe recognized them from this morning. But where is the third one?

"Aren't those the guys who tried to crash the prep rally?" Erica asked. Everyone at the tabled stared, except Mason who had not arrived for lunch yet.

"They look like those thugs who were following us on Saturday," Dominic said. "If they are..." He cracked his knuckles. "They'd better watch out."

Saturday? She remembered seeing Hab and Aamon hiding behind that statue. Were the demons also tracking the boys?

Diego glanced back. "Nah, not the same ones, but they could be in the same gang."

Riley straightened her cheerleader uniform. "This is Central West High School. We don't have gangs. We have team spirit." She pointed to the falcon image on her lapel.

"Oh, gangs!" Erica threw her arms around Crispin so dramatically that she nearly knocked him off his seat. "You'll protect me, won't you Crispin?"

"Uh, yes. Of course. Yes." Crispin pulled away, but Erica nuzzled closer into him.

"You'll protect me, won't you Lin?" Dominic jumped up from his seat and onto her lap. "I'm afraid."

"Get off of me, you idiot!" Lin shoved him off. "You're heavy."

"'re so strong. I need you." Dominic dropped to the floor by her legs.Everyone laughed.

Lin smirked. "Yes, I know I'm strong. I just don't believe in babysitting little boys."

"Ouch!" Dominic plunged an imaginary dagger into his heart.

"Oh, quit it!" Lin reached down and pecked him on the lips. "Idiot," she said, but smiled.

Diego pointed to the door. "Oh, hey, there's Mason."

Mason rushed into the cafeteria, stopped at the doorway, and waved. "Be right back," he called out. "Zoe, watch this," he whispered.

She heard him of course. Mason sprinted across the cafeteria to the kitchen door.

Riley giggled. "What's he doing? He's not supposed to go in there."

The third demon, who had blond hair like Crispin, marched into the cafeteria and scanned the room. He clenched his fists at his side and stomped after Mason, going into the same door.

Zoe and Crispin sprang to their feet.

Erica tumbled downward to the floor next to Dominic. "Whoa! Is this how you treat a girl you like?"

Girl you like? Zoe raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, sorry." Crispin helped her up.

Dominic also stood. "What is that guy doing?"

Chasing Mason. Zoe studied the other two demons, who didn't move from their seat. Who are they assigned to follow?

Mason emerged from around one of the serving lines.

"Hey, what are you kids doing back here? Get out before I call the principal," one of the cooks yelled. "Now, young man."

The blond demon retreated out of the kitchen door.

"What's that about?" Dominic asked as soon as Mason sat down.

"Just making sure," Mason answered.

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now