Chapter 40

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Do you really think that little of me? Let me remind you that I've been on the Earth plane, living among humans, for eons before you were even created. Don't worry about me. I don't kill humans—not like watchers do. Plus, I find your friends rather amusing and so look forward to your upcoming dance with Mason. Will you break the poor boy's heart? Where's the honor in that?

Your friend,


PS: I voted for you.

Zoe folded this latest note and shoved it into her pocket. I voted for you? What does that mean? She shook her head and rushed down the crowded halls towards the cafeteria. Normally, she escorted Riley to lunch, but today she had to work the first shift for the cookie sale.

The hallway across from the cafeteria had been decorated with posters with slogans such as "Go Falcons!" and "Claw the Competition!" Three tables had been setup along the wall. At one, two cheerleaders sold tickets to the homecoming dance. A "Vote Here" banner spread across the front of the second table, written in bright red colors with a drawing of a Falcon's head at both sides of the words.

Zoe studied the table. In the center was a red box with a slit in the top of it. A girl wearing a West Central High Student Council shirt handed out strips of paper to the students crowding in at the table. "Don't forget to put your student id number on the ballot. You can only vote once." She lifted up her own student id card. "You can find your id number right here." She pointed to a set of numbers under her photograph.

"Hey, Zoe," Steven called out. "Some help here please." He bent over a bin filled with plastic-wrapped Falcon cookies. Spirit Cookies. They sold at fifty cents each. Zoe frowned when she saw a line already forming. And lunch had just started.

Zoe sat down by the cash box. "Four cookies, please," said the first customer, a tall, skinny girl. Zoe gave her a look as she handed out the goods. Did she know how much sugar there was in each of these? "Uh, they're for my friends."

Soon more students joined the line, and they had nearly sold half of the bin. Steven constantly restocked the cookies on the table. "I hate the way they smell."

Zoe laughed. "Yeah, me too."

"Hi Zoe," Lin said, as she came up next in line.

"Lin? You too?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's not the breakfast of champions." She shrugged. "But it's a fundraiser. So, that's a good cause, right?"

"Out of my way, girl," Dominic said, pulling up in front of Lin. "I need me some sugar!"

Zoe rolled her eyes.

Lin shoved Dominic aside. "You definitely don't need any more sugar!"

"Not when I have you, sweetie!"

Lin laughed. "Okay, that one's a little over-the-top." Zoe could tell, however, that Lin's heart jumped at the complement. "Anyway, we've saved a spot for you at our table, and Riley insisted we get you the salad like you usually get."

Zoe smiled, widely. Her human friends were so thoughtful, nothing like Zacharias! "Thanks."

Lin handed over a five dollar bill. "I'll take a cookie for each of us."

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