Chapter 37

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"Looking good, Zoe. Real good," Dominic held up his hand for a high-five. "Go Cards!"

Zoe smiled, despite herself and her disdain for silly traditions like Spirit Week. She walked up to the benches by the flagpole where her friends were, all but Mason. He always came a little later because he took his little sister to school in the mornings. Zoe held up her open palm, and Dominic slapped it with his.

"It's about time we get a chance to see you wearing something besides that same black jacket." Riley appraised her. "It does look good." She stood up and gave Zoe a quick hug.

"Though I kind of like her black jacket," Lin said. "Mysterious looks good on her."

Lin and Zoe wore Cardinals jerseys, and Riley and Diego had identical red, Cardinals T-shirts. Zoe was the only one with the team windbreaker, which concealed her dagger adequately enough. At least Riley didn't feel it when she hugged me. Dominic wore a bright blue Kansas City Royals T-shirt. Zoe asked, "Why are you wearing Kansas City?"

"Why not? Gotta be different, that's all. Didn't want to get all mushy like Riley and Diego with matching shirts."

Lin shrugged. "Definitely don't want to dress up like him. He has no style whatsoever."

"What are you talking about? I have plenty style. I'm dating you, aren't I?"

"Well, you have a point." She laughed.

Mason walked up from the parking lot, wearing a black polo shirt with a picture of a tiger. Zoe read the words under the mascot. "Mizzou?"


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"Yeah. It's for the University of Missouri." He pointed to the icon. "Their mascot is the tigers."

Dominic rolled his eyes. "Okay, that's pretty nerdy."

"Hey," Riley came to his defense. "They have sports teams. The shirt looks very nice on your, Mason."

"He's not the only one wearing Mizzou shirts." Diego pointed at several other students wearing black and gold T-shirts or jackets. The front of the school offered a kaleidoscope of team colors. Zoe scanned the different teams represented: St. Louis Cardinals, Kansas City Royals, St. Louis Blues, St. Louis Rams, Mizzou, Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Cubs, Texas Rangers, and a few other teams. Not every student participated in sports day, but most of the teenagers did.

"Yeah, so there," Riley said. "Don't be a meanie!"

"Oh, I'm not mean to Mason. Am I?" Dominic jumped up and grabbed Mason in a quick headlock. "Am I, buddy?" Dominic messed up Mason's hair.

"Ahhh," Mason wiggled free. "Stop!"

"Brotherly love," Lin said to Zoe. "Don't mind them."

"Anyway," Riley announced. "Does everyone know that we are meeting at my house on Tuesday night."

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