List of Angels & Demons

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Angel Watchers in St

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Angel Watchers in St. Louis

Note: Watchers work in teams of three:  one logistics/lead, one warrior, and one technician/computer expert. Each team is listed in this order with the most senior team being listed first. 

Ophiel, Ivo, Rathaniel 

Zacharias, Zoe, Muriel

Leo, Jed, Aniela (This team was attacked by Turiel and Aniela captured.)

Kiara, Gemma, Finn

Cera, Crispin, Kevin

Angels in the Heavenly Spaces

Gabriel--Considered the messenger of God

Michael--Seen as the military commander of God's armies

Salvinius--Friend of Ren before his fall

Quids--short for "Teretrium Quids," these are fallen angels who remain neutral. They live in quiet solitude, hiding among the humans.

 They live in quiet solitude, hiding among the humans

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Demon Recruiters (Aligned with Azazel)

Azazel--Fallen angel who invented demonic swords and energy. He took leadership of watchers after they were banned from the Heavenly Spaces (after their first leader, Sumyaza, was captured). He was later captured.

Rennard--Great demon recruiter on earth. The only recruiter who has outsmarted Zoe's team.

Sariel--Runs the demon underworld until (or if) Azazel ever gains his freedom.

Turiel--second in command of the demon underworld, in charge of training the scion army. 

Demon Mafia of St. Louis

Araqiel--leader of St. Louis area principality. He keeps his business separate of the affairs of demon hunters and recruiters. He demonstrates mild support for Azazel, but prefers that his domain be left along by both angels and other demons. 

Hab & Aamon--called the demon brothers, they work for Araqiel.

Tesmin, Zarin, & Kaji--sent on assignment by Araqiel.

Barbas--works for Araqiel, but secretly acts as an agent for Lucifer until his return.

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