Chapter 14

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Mrs. Brown removed the plastic id card from the laminator and held it up. "You really need to smile. You just look so precious." Zoe despised having her photo taken. The scowl on her face mirrored the same that was captured in the photo. The morning bell rang. She took the card and escaped into the flow of students entering the building.

With Mr. Brady no longer in the running to be her scion victim, Muriel had identified Mrs. Brenda Roland, the cheerleading sponsor, as the next person of interest. Apparently, she had been embezzling money from the school for years.

Really not that much money, but it's a lead. To reach that optimal state of evil, a scion spent years building up one evil deed after another until one day it just happen. In a fit of anger or in a moment of desperation or during a point of intense plotting... Boom! Zap! Whip! Burn! Pow!

Scions unleashed their demon powers when they emitted pure demonic energy from within their very cores. Once they learned about their powers, they often used it over and over again, sending ripples out into the world. Just a matter of time. Just a matter of time.

Mason waited by her locker. "Hi, Zoe!"

This kid just doesn't understand. She sighed. "Hello, Mason."

"I'm here to show you the way to your first period. Do you have your schedule?"

It would be so easy just to kill him right now. "Here." Zoe spun the combination lock, but it didn't open. She pounded it with her first, smirking when she left a tiny dent in the metal. The door opened on this second attempt.

"You really do have calculus. How did you do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. It's probably a mistake. I'll ask the teacher about it." Zoe placed her binder into her backpack and closed the locker.

"I'll escort you to your first class. You know, so you won't get lost."

She steadied her breath. "Fine."

Mason led her up the stairs and down the main corridor. Zoe reminder herself not listen to all the noise that accompanied the morning chaos.

"Zoe! Mason!" Riley yelled. "Wait up."

Wait for what?

Riley barged through the crowd of students, using one of her crutches as a way to clear a path for her and Diego.

"Oh, my God," Riley said. "These crutches can be so annoying, but they sure make great weapons."

Zoe nearly dropped her jaw at how easily Riley used the Lord's name in vain. She nearly flinched. In the Heavenly Spaces, the consequences of challenging God, the Father, the Almighty were dire.

"Hi, Zoe." Diego smiled. He cradled Riley's backpack in his arms.

She composed herself and forced a smile. "Hi." Zoe looked at Riley, expectantly. What did she want?

They congregated against a row of lockers. "Where were you? I was looking all over for you at the front of the school."

Why would she do that? "I came to school early to get my student id." She held up the plastic card.

"Oh, let me look," Riley nearly exclaimed. She grabbed at it before Zoe could reply.

"We didn't see you," Diego said.

"You look so funny!" Riley squealed. "Look!" She flashed the card to Diego and then to Mason.

"Nice smile there," Diego said.

"I didn't smile."

"Yeah. That was a joke," Diego replied. "Anyway, before school we normally hangout by the flagpole, when it's not too cold out or the library when it gets cold."

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