Chapter 58

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Zoe leaned against the lockers as Crispin paced in front of her. "Okay, I need to get this tuxedo thing. Today."

"Yes. Muriel already made the appointment after school. I'm going with you." Zoe agreed to arrive earlier than usual to give him instructions on how to take a girl to a high school dance.

"Okay. Then, I have to get a flower thing."

Zoe nodded. "At least three spirit flowers to show that you like her. All three flowers must be red." Riley told her red represented love and white represented friendship. Given Erica's high temperature rating, Zoe figured red would be perfect.

"No, the other flower thing. What is it with humans and flowers?"

"Oh, yes, the corsage." Zoe had just learned of these things from Riley the night before. She texted for advice on what to tell Crispin. Riley immediately called her and rattled on for nearly an hour about dances and dating and what boys are supposed to do. "Muriel ordered that also. We pick it up on Saturday afternoon before the dance."

"Okay, okay. What else?"

"Tickets. Did you buy tickets? The boy is supposed to purchase the tickets."

"Tickets? Oh, yeah. Need to get those." Crispin shook his head. "How do you know so much about human rituals?"


"Killing scions is so much easier."

"Yes, it is." Zoe smiled. "Oh, don't forget to do your homework."

"Homework? That mindless drivel!"

"Welcome to high school."

Crispin sighed. "I can't wait to be done with this. My physics teacher has gotten everything wrong. Can you believe these humans believe in relativity?"

"Primitive, I know." Zoe recalled her conversation with those three professors the day before. They hadn't been back, and Mr. Laycock had given her assignments to work on from one of his college-level math classes. This suited her just fine.

"And the history teacher," Crispin droned on.

Zoe stood up. "Getting my backpack. Meet you out front." She left without waiting for Crispin to stop his complaining about school. He just got here on Tuesday, and it hasn't even been two full days yet.

She found Ren's note in her locker.


Happy Heroes and Villains Day! Don't you just love high school traditions? Friday is Spirit Day. Did you order anyone carnations? Don't forget to wear your school colors.

Kidnapping angels? I'm confused as to why any demon would want to take an angel into the underworld. Despite stereotypes about the underworld, we do like to keep things pretty clean and tidy. Watchers carry so many germs and rarely ever bathe. We find watchers quite disgusting, actually. If such a practice was indeed occurring, I will be among the first to complain and put a stop to it. All in the name of sanitation.

This is the first I've heard of recruiters working with the locals. Araqiel controls most of the area. Making an agreement before working in someone's territory is commonplace, but I'll look into it. As you know, I don't spend much time dealing with underworld politics. Too busy rescuing scions.

I'm not going to hurt your human friends. I find them amusing. You have my word. I don't kill humans.


PS: At least we both agree on one thing. Austin is up to something.

Ren preferred to work alone. Sometimes Zoe wished she had the ability to do her missions solo. Watcher teams were designated in groups of three. This arrangement created a checks-and-balances systems, with each watcher holding the other accountable to the same standards. She knew the setup had something to do with the rebellion that occurred tens of thousands of years ago with the original watchers.

Zoe wondered if Ren would actually investigate what had happened to Leo's team. Would he reveal what he found to her? Maria de los Santos had referred to Ren as her "friend." Is he? A friend? 

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