Chapter 25

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Austin sat on his roof just above the windowsill of his attic bedroom. "Come on, Becca, relax. I don't see why you are so mad." He usually had the ability to coax his girlfriend into believing mostly whatever he said, but tonight she was especially angry.

"So, you did ask Stephanie Carmichael to the Homecoming Dance!"

Did he? He might have? Stephanie's hot. Best legs ever. She also was on the volleyball team with Becca. "I just asked her what her plans were. We don't want her to have to go stag to the dance, do we?"

"Stag? Well, I guess not. So, you weren't asking her out?" Of course, he was, but he was rejected. Not that Becca wasn't a fun and cute girl to be with. Austin just wanted someone with a little more experience and someone a little less needy.

"Why would I ask her out? I'm already dating you, and you're the most beautiful girl in the school." Well, actually right now the hottest girl is Zoe, but she's like Fort Knox. Impenetrable. Zoe was definitely different, unusual, like she wasn't even from this planet. What was she hiding?

"Oh, you don't have to say that, Austin." Yes, he did have to say that to keep her hanging on until he could hookup with someone better.

He leaned back and stared up at the sky. "It's true." He grinned, knowing that he had gotten to her. Becca was always so sensitive about her looks. He could see her blushing already.

Then a flash of white streaked across the sky. What was that? It looked like large white, shimmering bird. "Hey, Becca. I've gotta go. Let's chat tomorrow."

"Well, it really isn't that late--"

"Call you tomorrow." He disconnected and held up his phone. He activated the video record feature, hoping that the creature would fly up again. Maybe it dipped down to seize its prey, a rodent or similar animal.

"What the hell?" The creature ascended straight up into the sky, dragging a screaming man under its clutches. This wasn't a bird. Austin stood up, trying to get a closer look as it sped away. Then his foot slipped. "Oh, shit!" He fell and slid down a little. His feet dangled over the edge. The cell phone toppled into a set of bushes below.

Austin straightened himself and descended back through his bedroom window. He found a flashlight in his closet and headed downstairs. He was determined to find his phone and to figure out what just happened. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought that the winged creature look familiar, very familiar.

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