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"Mason! Mason!" Vicky blared.

He rushed into her bedroom, finding his little sister in tears. "What happened?"

"The bad man chased me."

Mason cradled Vicky in her arms "Did you have a nightmare?" He wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Don't be scared."

"Please get Zoe. I want my guardian angel." She cried.

He stroked her hair. "Zoe already left. She'll come back don't worry."

"Are you sure? Check?"

"Okay, let me look." Mason made a show of pulling aside the curtains and searching the neighborhood streets for any sign of his angel friend. That's when he saw Tesmin, dressed still in the dark trench coat, flanked by two other demons, stalking down the center of the street. He swallowed.

"Is she there?" Vicky asked.

"No, but we should go see her. Let's put on your shoes and get your coat."

Vicky smiled. "Whippee!"

He shushed her. "Let's be real quiet, so we won't wake anyone up." Mason helped her with the last shoe, picked her up, and darted for the back door. He stepped outside just as the demons kicked open the front door.

Vicky clung to Mason's neck. "That's not Zoe."

"No," he said, between harsh breaths.

"They aren't angels either."

Mason turned the corner and sprinted down an alley. "No." Where to go? Wasn't there a church near here. He didn't know if demons could enter a church, but he had no other ideas right now.

A dark shadow soared over ahead.

"Mason, it's the bad man. He's here." Vicky squealed.

"Almost there," he said, but wasn't sure were there was.

A wrong turn. The alley reached a dead end. Oh, shit. He didn't want to curse in front of Vicky.

"You can't run, Mason," Tesmin said.

He turned around slowly.

The three demons ignited their swords.

"Leave the girl alone," he called. "She has nothing to do with it."

"That's not how it works." They marched closer. "Because of you, Zarin is dead. Now, Kaji is missing. Probably killed too by your protector, Zoe."

Vicky yelled, "She's my guardian angel."

Tesmin grinned. "Too bad she's not here."

"We'll make it quick. So don't worry," one of the other demons said.

Mason backed away, but he had no where to go.

A fireball like an asteroid plummeted into the ground in front of Mason and Vicky. The figure of a man emerged from the flames, holding a dark sword, fire dancing around his entire body like a shield.

"Ren, so glad you can make it to the party," Tesmin said.

Ren? Zoe had spoken about him. The best demon recruiter. Mason's stomach dropped.

"Not these humans, Tesmin."

"What? Since when did you grow fond of humans?"

"I said not these." Ren extended his sword.

Tesmin laughed. "Just wait until Sariel hears about this." Tesmin gestured to the other two demons to engage.

Ren's attack was quick and severe. Though he hadn't killed them, he sent their physical forms flying through the air. They landed with a thud at Tesmin's feet.

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now