Chapter 68

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Riley insisted that everyone shove into her VW. "Dee's Pizza isn't that far."

"I got dibs on shotgun," Diego said. "Boyfriend privileges." He collected all the spirit flowers and held them on his lap.

This isn't safe! Zoe wanted to lecture everyone. Instead, she found herself smushed between Dominic and Crispin.

Unlike last week's trip to the bowling alley, she got stuck in the middle. Erica claimed top position first and jumped across everyone's lap, before straightening out her skirt. Her thighs rested on Zoe's lap with her torso mostly on Crispin. She buried her face into his chest. "You feel so warm." She giggled.

"Thanks," he replied, though Zoe felt his body tense.

Erica perked up. "So, are you ticklish?"

Ticklish? What does she mean?

Before Crispin could answer, Erica attacked him with her fingers, along his ribs and behind his neck.

Crispin hadn't flinched. "Ticklish?"

Erica laughed, but didn't stop touching the angel warrior. "Yeah, you know. Does this make you laugh?" She doubled her efforts, rotating hers finger in and around his earlobes.

Strange human custom. Do teens do this to people they are going to a dance with? She definitely would not allow Mason to touch her like this. Of course, Mason was not here. He had to pick up his sister from school.

"Oh, my god," Riley bellowed from the driver's seat. "Get a room."

Dominic chimed in. "Yeah, you're making me feel soooo uncomfortable here."

Lin snorted. "Uncomfortable? You want to be uncomfortable?" She twiddled her finger in front of him.

Dominic jerked away. "Don't—"

Lin mimicked the same motions as Erica, but this time Dominic howled in response. His whole body went into spasms.

"Hey, hey," Erica yelled. "You're going to knock me off." She clung onto Crispin. "Save me, Crispin. Save me."

"Uh, sure." Crispin shot Zoe a glance, uncertainty in his eyes.

Zoe shrugged. She'd never witnessed this ritual before.

Everyone in the car erupted in laughter—except Zoe and Crispin. That's when Erica leaned forward, her face brushing against Crispin's, and whispered, "You're my hero." She brought her lips to his for brief moment.

Crispin's eyes widened.

That's a kiss. Zoe had seen that behavior before. Are girls supposed to kiss boys if they are going to a dance? Am I supposed to kiss Mason? Oh, no.

"That's enough, everyone," Riley called out, as she swerved the car dramatically around a corner, jostling their bodies closer together, and stopped in front of a small neighborhood pizza parlor. "We're here."

"Get me out of here, now!" Dominic climbed over the console, onto Diego's lap, then out the door.

"Hey watch out," Diego admonished, as he raised the flowers out Dominic's way.

"Aww," Lin said, "Where you going, baby? You know I love you." She turned to Zoe and grinned. "Men are such wimps."

Zoe nodded, but wasn't exactly sure what Lin meant.

They ordered fried ravioli and two large pizzas—one cheese and one with Italian meatballs. "The pizza here is really good," Diego said to Zoe.

"The best. Trust me," Riley continued. "I'm always right."

Zoe had come to see pizza as an important staple in the nutritional habits of human teenagers. The cafeteria offered it at lunch everyday, and teenagers constantly ordered it to be delivered to their homes like Riley did on Tuesday night when they made their tie-dyed shirts.

"Stop it," Dominic whined, as Lin periodically wiggled a finger into his side.

"You know you like it." Lin smirked.

The corners of Dominic's mouth rose. "Well, maybe later. You know, when its just the two of us." He winked.

Riley shook her head. "You see, Zoe," she explained. "Tickling can lead to things. So don't let just any boy tickle you."

Erica blurted, "But you can tickle any boy you want." She feigned a pout. "But it only works if the guy laughs." She eyed Crispin.

"I am not ticklish." He shrugged. "Sorry?"

Would I let anyone, human or spiritual, touch my physical body in that way without ripping off each of their fingers? She liked Mason enough as "friend," but not that much. Just then, as if appearing on her command, Mason walked into the pizza parlor.

"Yo, Mason, glad you made it," Dominic said. "We saved you some ravioli."

"Sorry. My mom got off work late." Mason sat down in the vacant seat next to Zoe.

"You're little sister is so adorable," Riley exclaimed. "You need to bring her with you next time."

Vicky. Zoe remembered her voice on the phone the week before. The girl was in the kitchen when she whisked Mason's father away.

"Maybe, if you want to babysit" Mason replied.

"Sure. I can teach her how to do makeup." Riley touched her face with her hands, displaying her eyeshadow.

Mason smiled at Zoe. "Hi."

His heartbeat increased, but not as high as before. How did Ren describe him in one of his letters? He's a cute kid. I'm just afraid he's going to die of cardiac arrest. Something had changed since yesterday. "Hi." Zoe smiled back.

Mason nodded and reached for the last toasted ravioli. "So, did you order the Italian meatballs?"

"Of course," Diego answered. "That's Riley's favorite."

"Mine too," Dominic.

"The cheese pizza if for me," Lin said.

Zoe studied Mason's facial features, attempting to see him as a human might see another human. He had an angular face and hazel eyes. His posture seemed to be straighter now, less reclusive from when they met a week ago. If they kissed, she would have to reach up and him down for their lips to meet. Yuck! I wouldn't kiss a human boy.

What else did Ren write about Mason? I will not be outdone by a human boy. What would it feel like to kiss a demon? Ren sent her a dozen red carnations that morning. She gave those to Mrs. Willow. She glanced down at the flowers in her lap. What was Ren saying?

"Pizza's here!" Erica squealed. "Hope you are hungry, Crispin." She pulled on his arm.


Zoe knew that was a lie. Angels do not need to eat as often as humans.

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now