Chapter 12

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A flood of teenage bodies swept through the halls, in and out of lockers, and then out the front doors. Zoe relished the feel of the sun hitting her face and fought herself against spreading her wings right there. That would really get Zacharias angry. She grinned at the thought, but alas resisted this burning desire for freedom. Why don't they have more windows inside schools?

"Hi, Zoe," a tentative voice ventured from behind her.

She turned around slowly and reminded herself to be friendly. "Hello, Mason."

"I hope you had a good day," he said. "First day of a new school and all."

It would have been better if I had found that scion or killed Melvin Brady. "It was okay." Except for that stupid cooking class!

"Cool." He stuck his hands into his pockets. "If, you...uh...ever need anything, just ask. Okay?" He kept his eyes downcast, and his heart raced uncontrollably. Perspiration leaked from his pores. Zoe feared that boy was near cardiac arrest.

"Okay," she replied calmly. "I will."

"You will?" His eyes shone wide.

Zoe nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mason."

"Yeah. Tomorrow. That's cool. Bye." He scampered away, stealing glances at her as he left.

Muriel pulled up in front of the school, like any other parent. She lowered the window of the van and smiled. "Congratulations, you've survived high school for one day."

Zoe hopped into the passenger seat. "And I thought hell was bad."

"Better you than me." Muriel drove down the street.

"I think Zacharias needs to materialize as a teenage boy so he can experience this joy all to himself."

"Oh, you mean like that boy who was drooling all over you over there. Mason, you called him."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "He's just some kid who's hormone crazy."

"Maybe so. Try not to rip his tiny heart into pieces."

Zoe thought back to the fetal pig and how she had pointed out its heart to Diego, who was too afraid to look at it for long. Were all teenage boys so sensitive?

"I can't promise that I won't." She retrieved her dagger and twirled it. "I almost dissected Melvin Brady today."

"Almost? You know Zacharias would object if you did."

"I let the jerk live, but I caught him with a naked girl on his desk. The she screamed and ran off when I pushed open the door. I was just able to place this blade against his throat." She sliced the air in front of her.


"The counselor barged in on us, but we covered our tracks."

"Not the scion?"

"Nah." She leaned back in the seat. "I wish."

"We all wish." Muriel pulled up a highway ramp into the urban traffic. "And the teenagers? Riley and Diego."

"Normal adolescents. Riley is..." She thought about the right word. "Bubbly. You would like her."

"And Diego?"

Zoe remembered their conversation, how he glowed when he thought about Riley, and how calm he was. "I'm not sure. There's something different about him."


"No, not even close. Just different."

They passed across the Mississippi river into Illinois. Zacharias had found a secluded farm area to setup their base. He had forbidden Zoe from traveling via portal after school. "Too risky," he argued. So, Muriel was playing chauffeur for now.

"So what did you and Zacharias do today?"

"Stake out."

Muriel and Zacharias had been pursuing the second theory about who the scion was by investigating all of Jack Donovan's known associates. This person might have stopped time just long enough to escape the truck and flee the scene. This person might have actually redirected the truck to hit the school, using his powers as a way to try to kill Jack Donovan.

"So, any luck?" Zoe asked.

"Nothing yet. Zacharias has scheduled a meeting with the other watcher teams in the area."

"That sounds like fun. Now, I'm thinking high school isn't so bad."

Muriel laughed. "I know. Watcher teams were meant to be independent from each other for a good reason."

"They can't seem to agree on anything."

"Yup. Not until Archangel Michael comes down and sets everyone straight." Muriel's phone buzzed, and she picked it up off the console. "It's Zacharias. Says the meeting is tomorrow." She placed the phone back down. "Oh, by the way, did you get my text?"

Zoe fished out her phone, which had been turned off. "Not yet." She booted up the system.

"How can we stay in communication if you keep the cell phone off?"

"Just not used to having it." She finally retrieved the message. It read: Text me when you get this. Zoe replied with: Got it.

Muriel's phone buzzed again. "Not now. It was supposed to be a test. You need to keep your phone turned on."

"Are these things allowed in school?"

"All the kids have them these days. I'll show you how to put it on silent mode when we get back."

"Don't see what the big deal is."

"I've installed a special piece of software on your phone. I'll explain later."

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