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Ren sat at the kitchen table, holding up his most recent note to Zoe. This time, he had been more cautious with his words. He couldn't believe that Zoe would ever let some silly human teenager read his letter. Then again, he couldn't believe she left her cell phone in her locker.

This was why he himself had been careless. He spent too long rigging Zoe's cell phone that he didn't notice his own onlookers. That could have gotten Osaka killed.

Back to his last letter. Could that boy—what was his name? Austin? Could he have figured out who Zoe was? Ren remembered exactly what he wrote:


So, you and Mason are really just friends, huh? Isn't he your date for the Homecoming Dance? I would have never guessed. An angel like you and a human boy.

Don't worry. I won't interfere. For now, that is. Besides, I'm looking forward to seeing you in that red dress.


PS: Aamon's sword? Let's just say he lost it. He isn't the brightest demon on the block.

Perhaps he teased her a little much in his letters, but Ren loved it when he got to her. Surely, she couldn't hate him that much if she played along with this note-writing game. An odd relationship, we have.

Osaka nearly stumbled down the stairs. He rubbed his bruised and swollen neck. Aamon could have easily snapped it, but like most demons he wanted to see his victim suffer.

"Sit, please. I have some tea ready." Ren ushered Osaka into a chair and poured him a mug. Then he retrieved another icepack from the refrigerator.

"What time is it?" He gestured to the custodian uniform that Ren wore.

"6:15 in the morning. I've got plenty of time. You sleep well?"

"Aye." Osaka slept in his own bed last night.

"I fixed the door last night. Hope it didn't bother you."

"No." The hinges had been replaced, and only a slight dent where it had been kicked in was visible.

"Eggs?" Ren fetched a couple of eggs from the refrigerator while Osaka pressed the ice pack to the side of his neck.

"What is an invited guest?"

Ren cracked the eggs into a bowl and scrambled them. "It's one of the ancient laws." He added butter to the pan. "When you invite an angel into your home, that angel can do you no harm. If another invades your home, than that angel is sworn to protect you."

Osaka sipped his tea. "Are you my invited guest?"

"Technically, no." He flipped the eggs in the pan.

Osaka frowned, and his shoulders slumped.

"You haven't invited me yet, Riku." He placed a plate of eggs on the table. "Bacon?"

Osaka's eyes widened. "All right then. I, Riku Osaka, invite you Ren akuma, demon and fallen angel as a guest in my house."

"Akuma? Again?

Osaka smirked.

"Fine. I accept your invitation, Osaka Riku, of the feather clan. Feather clan?" Ren shook his head. "I can't believe they fell for that."

Osaka took another drink of his tea. "Neither can I?"

They both laughed.

Osaka placed his mug down. "So, who is Zoe?"

"Huh?" Ren put the bacon on the skillet.

"She's an angel? Isn't she? That's why those demons were watching her, right?"

He sighed. "You are very perceptive, Mr. Osaka. Here." He brought him a small saucer of bacon.

"But you are a demon. Are you watching her also? And why do you write her letters?"

Ren paused and stared daggers at him.

The Japanese man flinched. "I haven't read them. I swear. I saw her initial."

Ren sat down at the table. "One day, Osaka Riku, I will tell you what you wish to know, but not now. I must be leaving for school. I have a few more days like I promised."

Osaka adjusted the pack at his neck. "What about me? You going to chain me to the bed again?"

"No. You stay here. Get better."

"And if I leave?"

"If you leave this house, you will have no protection against another demon who might want you dead. As long as you are here, I am your guest."

"I see."

Ren stood up. "Besides you need to rest and recover." He opened the refrigerator. "I've left your some food here. Also, you have plenty of fresh ingredients if you wish to cook."

Osaka nodded.

Ren fetched Aamon's sword from the corner behind the kitchen table where it had been left the night before. He laid it on the table in front of Osaka. "You can start practicing if you feel up to it."

Osaka stared at the dark blade and then at Ren. "Why?"

"Why not?"

Osaka could call the police the moment he walked out the door, but what would he tell them? No human police officer could ever capture a demon. At this point, Ren didn't think it mattered much. It had been a week and still no scion. Could someone with that kind of power hide it for so long, especially something that powerful? It didn't make sense.

"Aye," Osaka said.

But if it wasn't a scion, then who? Could it have been another fallen angel? A quid? Of course, he had never known an fallen angel to have the ability to fully stop time. Not even some of the most senior angels could do that. Whatever it is, that medicine woman probably knows something.

"See you later." Ren slipped on his mask and left.

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now