Chapter 27

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I am not your friend and will never be your friend. I am a demon hunter, and you are a demon. I will kill you, I will

Zoe put down her pen and then ripped the sheet from her binder, crumpling it up. She stood up from the study desk that was hidden in the back corner of the library and walked to the trash bin, where she dropped the paper ball near the other two she had already deposited there.

She growled in frustration. Why is Ren acting this way? This isn't how it's supposed to be.

Of course, he had been right about the two demons. Zoe had felt their presence on her first day here. Muriel could probably tap into the school's security camera and run a program that would locate them, but would she ask where Zoe learned this information. Would Zoe tell Muriel about Ren's letters, like she had thought about before? Wouldn't Zacharias be furious?

Of course, they knew about the other letters. Zoe kept them as a form of motivation, but this last one seemed different, was different. How did the old woman respond when Zoe argued that she had no friendship with Ren, none whatsoever? So, you say.

That was just it. Zoe did say, but she just couldn't write it. She felt the sudden urge to pull out her dagger and stab it through Ren's letter and this uncomfortable wooden desk and through that stupid, dented locker door and...

Calm down. He's probably watching you right now. Then she realized that Ren saw her pull Mason's father from that kitchen, and the demon approved.

She shook her head. What kind of demon was he?

The librarian, Mrs. Brockman, announced to the students working on the computers that the bell would ring in a few minutes and reminded them to save their work.

Zoe opened her binder again and picked up her pen.


I wouldn't eat those cookies. The sugar alone is enough to kill anyone, angel or demon.


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