Chapter 53

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"Remember," Muriel said. "Let me do the talking. She's been through enough already." They stood outside Clarissa's hospital door.

Zacharias straightened his tie, but didn't answer.

Muriel shot him an expectant look.

"Okay, fine."

Despite all their skills, never Zacharias nor Zoe seemed capable of relating to human beings. They got too caught up in the mission of finding and killing scions to consider human emotions. Though, this assignment has been good for Zoe.

Muriel knocked on the door, knowing the girl was still asleep. "Clarissa, are you awake? We're here to talk." She opened the door, and they entered.

Muriel moved to the bedside. "Clarissa?"

The bed had been reclined, and the television remote hung from her hand. Muriel freedom the control and placed it on the nearby metal tray, next to what remained of her breakfast.

"Clarissa, it's time to wake up now." She nudged her shoulder. "We have a few questions."

The girl moaned, but with a little more prodding she opened her eyes. "Who..." She yawned. "...are you?"

Muriel offered her a plastic cup half-filled with water that was on the tray. Clarissa drank it down.

"I'm Detective Muriel Find, and my partner over there is Detective Zach Hunter. We want to ask you a few questions."

Clarissa's eyes widened. "It was an accident. I got drunk. All a mistake, I swear."

Muriel placed a gentle hand on her arm. "We know. It's okay, dear. These things happen. You are not in trouble. Do you understand?"

"I'm not?"

"No." Muriel took the empty cup back. "Would you like some more water?"

"Uh," Clarissa replied. "I think I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Clarissa's heart rate lowered.

"We need your help."

"My help?"

Muriel nodded. "We are looking for a person who has done some pretty horrible things. We think you might know something that will be helpful."

"Horrible things? I don't know anyone like that."

Muriel placed the cellular phone on Clarissa's lap. Her heart rate spiked as she recognized it.

"It wasn't Mr. Brady's fault. He had nothing to do with this. I swear."

"Shhhh..." Muriel patted her on the shoulder. "We know, Clarissa. We're not here about him."

Clarissa's face went blank. "Oh."

"What can you tell me about Johnny?"

"Johnny?" Her eyes widened. "I don't know anyone named Johnny."

Muriel leaned in closer and whispered. "It's okay. You're not in trouble. Do you hear me?"

"But..." Clarissa's heart raced.

"We already know, Clarissa. We just want to make sure."

"You know?"

"Everything." Muriel gestured to the phone. "Plus, you are not the only one."

"No." She wiped her eyes.

Muriel retrieved a small black notebook from her pocket and pulled out a pen. She flipped the pages and studied one of them—although all the pages in the notebook were blank. Clarissa doesn't need to know that. "There are three girls from your the school."

"Four," she corrected.

"Does that include you?"

"Oh, yeah." She frowned. "Just three now."

Muriel had guessed right. Sometimes she got lucky.

"We think the girls could be in danger this time. There's something going on that's different than the photo shot at the prom."

"You know about that?"


Clarissa sighed.

"You do want help your friends, right?"

Clarissa stared at her hands.

"They could be in real trouble this time," Muriel pressed. "Ever heard of human trafficking?"

"What? No," Clarissa uttered. "I mean, yes, I've heard of it."

Zacharias folded his arms with impatience.

Muriel whispered, "What if I ask my partner to leave? You can tell me whatever you want, and then we'll pretend this conversation never happened. Okay?"

Clarissa cringed when she noticed Zacharias's stern impression. She nodded.

Muriel picked up the plastic cup. "Detective Hunter, would you be kind and get her some fresh water from downstairs."

"Sure." Zacharias left.

Muriel turned back to Clarissa. "So, are the other's also your friends."

"Well, just Stephanie."

"Okay, why don't you tell me everything you know? I promise what you tell me, I'll keep a secret." Of course, Zacharias can still hear them from downstairs.

"I'm not trouble, right?"

"No. You are not in trouble."

Clarissa stroked her fingers through her hair. "No one will know what I said. Not my mom?"

"No one. Not your mother."

She fidgeted with her phone, transferring it back and forth between her hands. "Okay." 

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