Chapter 16

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Steven held up his hands, which were caked in cookie dough

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Steven held up his hands, which were caked in cookie dough. "This is so gross."

Zoe nodded in agreement. Today she sat at the same table as Steven, because yesterday she could have just killed Vanessa who seemed way too excited over cookie dough. The girl even hummed while she kneaded the dough and kept giving Zoe pointers about how to mix in the flour. "Not all at once. Just a little at a time, but keep steady." The thought of dumping the flour right on top of Vanessa's head crossed her mind.

So, this afternoon Zoe angled behind Vanessa and planted herself next to Steven, who looked up at her in confusion and shock. "I hate cooking too," she said.

Steven grinned. "Welcome to the club."

As the class dragged on, both exchanged comments about how disgusting the cookie dough was or how cookies had too much sugar in them (that was Zoe) or how Vanilla extract looks like a certain body fluid (that was Steven). Zoe viewed him as an ally in the war against the cookie-manufacturing establishment and their enforced labor.

Of course, Zoe also couldn't stop herself from staring out the windows. Ren is out there, watching me. She tensed up at the thought of him taking a photograph of her. She peered again, but only saw the school grounds, the parking lot, and a small roll of neighborhood houses. Was he in one of those houses?

Wait! A man moved about the grounds. Was that Ren?

Zoe nearly stood up, but fought the urge to crash through those windows with her dagger ready to cut into him. Only the custodian. She settled back into her seat. Mr. Osaka picked up trash along the sidewalks and lawn with intense precision. He collected every wandering piece of paper, discarded soda cans, and a myriad of other litter. Here's a man who takes pride in his work, a noble trait.

The bell rang, and Steven and Zoe were the first to flee the classroom. "Thank God that's over," He muttered at the doorway.

"Yes," Zoe said. "Thank God, the Father, the Almighty." Thanking god isn't the same thing as taking the Lord's name in vain. Not really.

Steven just laughed. "Yeah, whatever." He slipped into the crowded hallway and disappeared.

Her cellphone vibrated. She knew it was supposed to do that when Muriel sent her a text, but the movements still unnerved her. Muriel said that she would get used to it. The message contained only two words: Falcons and Tigers—the username and password for administrative access to the Central West High computer network. "Text me when you get the program uploaded and installed."

Zoe found her way down a more isolated stairway and even passed by Mr. Brady's classroom door. The room was empty this time. Lucky for him.

Independent study periods afforded students the ability to basically study whatever they wanted, practically anywhere they wanted as long as they didn't leave campus. According to Muriel, only a few students actually took advantage of this opportunity. Given their mission, Muriel felt this was the best option. Zoe felt grateful for avoiding another tedious high school class.

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