Chapter 26

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Dear Zoe,

Funny note. I have no need to listen to the teachers here. I've been stuck on the Earth plane for a very long time and have learned more than enough human knowledge. I even tutored back in the Renaissance period. I gave that up quickly. The pupils were spoiled, aristocratic brats. I nearly killed one by throwing him off a cliff. That was one of my founder memories of the time period.

Besides some of these teachers are so boring that it makes hell seem like a vacation!

Anyway, last night was fun, but I really must ask: Why would you damage a poor innocent tree like that? Your dagger nearly split it in half. What did that tree ever do to you?

Nice job bowling. You had great form. See if you can start putting some spin on the ball. It's not hard. It requires a flick of the wrist. Maybe I'll show you some time.

Oh, by the way, I think I would have killed that man. Maybe. I'm surprised you didn't. Let's see if he changes his ways. If an angel can't make him, then maybe a demon can. I'll keep an eye on him.

Have fun in cooking class today. Try not to eat the frosting. Those falcon cookies are going on sale on Monday. I might just buy one from you during lunch.

Your friend,


PS: There are two demons who are supposed to be stationed here to watch you, but teenagers aren't the only ones who skip school. They're clumsy. Definitely, not recruiters.

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