Chapter 62

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A barrage of bullets hit the metal barricade in front of his avatar. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. The sounds pinged in his headphones. "Maverick," his squad commander, Tgun98, said. "You alright?"

Mason activated his microphone. "Affirmative." On his screen, he saw the dark outline of the heavy gunner hidden in the window of an abandon building. "Just a second."

He clicked open his inventory and selected his long-range, sniper rifle, the TREX-4200. He acquired this digital weapon as an achievement for winning the Deadshot Sniper competition. Its design was ultra-slim. The stock displayed a line of jagged teeth, a decoration that gave the weapon a savage look. Few possessed this rifle, and it sold for millions of credits on the virtual auction house.

Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. Another volley fell on his squad. Then: Bang. That last sound indicated that an enemy sniper joined the party.

"Just a second," Mason spoke again. He pointed his rifle to an empty building in the opposite direction, adjusting the cross-hairs of his scope.

"Hey, man, the enemy's the other way," Zigged, a new squad member, said.

"Shhh," the commander said. "He's centering his shot. So, shut up."

Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. Just before the sound of that last bullet, Mason's avatar jumped up and swiveled. Instantaneously, he centered the gunner in his rifle scope and fired. Bang.

He shifted his aim upward to the roof of the building, not even waiting for the gunner's avatar to evaporate, and fired at the empty space. Bang. The enemy sniper poked his head up just in time for Mason's bullet to pierce through his digital helmet.

"Damn," Zigged said. "Did you see that? He took out two guys in like one second."

Sitting forward in his chair, Mason pumped his fist. He started playing Deadshot Demolition Derby about a year ago and had since risen in popularity as one of the best snipers. His 3D Squad, Rogue Team Seven, ranked often on the leader board as one of the best teams.

"Nice work, Mav." Kit said. Mason thought she had the sexiest voice. Of course girl-gamers always seemed to have sexy voices.

Tgun barked order. "Let's storm this building. DarkWolf and MedKit, you take the right side. Zigged, Mav, and I will take the left."

"Got it," Zigged said.

Tgun continued. "Fluffy, you still have that spare smoke bomb?"

The avatar, named FluffyPancakes, who looked like a heavyset baker instead of an army explosive technician, replied, "Yup. Want me to toss it through the window?"

"On my mark." Everyone huddled in place besides one of the two doorways. "Now!"

The last part of the mission was over in seconds. A victory medal appeared in the center of the screen and each player received a mixture of rewards and credits.

"That was so cool," Zigged yelled. This was his first time running with Rogue Team Seven.

Mason smiled. He enjoyed the camaraderie as much as the challenge of the game.

"Listen, boys," Kit said. "It's late. I'm going to bed."

"Night," Mason said. He quickly typed a private message to her. Thanks for the medkit.

She typed back: Sure thing, sweetie.

Mason glanced at his phone. 2:13 in the morning. Because Zigged was new to the operation, they had to explain each encounter, making the mission last longer.

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