Chapter 38

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Mr. Laycock had another test for her this morning. He had been doing this every few days, asking her to take some random test or to solve special math problems while he lectured the other students about derivatives and other elementary concepts of calculus and abstract math. As always, Zoe took her time working through the test, much slower than she needed.

This test in particular was entitled Comprehensive Examination, Masters in Mathematics Education, University of Missouri. Zoe just shrugged, lifted up her pencil, and began to painfully draw out the process. Human mathematics can be so dull. At least, Mr. Laycock didn't care if Zoe did homework or not. He said, he would count these tests as her assignments.

In the meantime, her thoughts floated to the events of the weekend. She hadn't seen those two demons this morning, even though she looked for them and remembered that they liked to stand by one of the back stairways. Part of her was relieved. Another part felt confused. That voice. "Stay there, Zoe." Was that Ren?

The only thing she had ever heard him say was "Thank you." That was twenty-eight years ago. If it was Ren, did he force those demons to leave? One of them, probably the one who taunted her earlier, ignited his sword again out in the open. Careless behavior.

If there's one thing most angels and demons agreed on, it's that the less humans know about their existence the easier for everyone regardless of which side of good and evil the spiritual being chose. No one wanted to tempt God, the Father, the Almighty into removing them all from the Earth. Is that why Ren stopped them?

It had to be Ren. He follows me. I know this. In fact, Zoe had come to expect this now and the thought didn't bother her anymore. She glanced at her binder, which was also on her desk. He left her another note. She saw it, but hadn't had the chance to read it.

Back to this silly test. She could finish it quickly. She could, but... She sighed and concentrated on writing down each number slowly and precisely, as if drawing an artistic rendering of her answers.

Time crawled onward. The other students struggled to copy down Mr. Laycock's notes into their binders. Some seem lost and confused. A few, those sitting closest to Zoe, stared at her with a mixture of wonder and jealousy. "Did you see that test she's taking?" One of them whispered to another. "I hear she's some math prodigy." "Well, she doesn't look it." "At least she's a Cards fan." Zoe almost smiled when she heard that. Instead, she kept working.

Zoe looked at up as Mr. Laycock was assigning the homework math problems to the students. "Use the sample solutions in the back of the book to help guide your approach to the problems. Everyone, we have ten minutes left in class. So get started right now." A low collective moan floated about the room.

Finally! Zoe finished up the exam quickly and retrieved the note from her binder.


Toasted ravioli, a St. Louis tradition. I hoped you enjoyed it. Humans can get really inventive with their food. And what is this I hear about you having a date to the Homecoming Dance! Should I be jealous? I understand if you really like Mason more. He's a cute kid. I'm just afraid he's going to die of cardiac arrest. Seriously, I've never seen a more nervous human before.

Anyway, no need to worry about those two demons. They will keep their distance. Well, at least for the moment. I'm sure you know already that things are heating up on this side of the spiritual line. So much drama. I find it quite annoying, but demons like to protect their territory and assert their authority. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins after all. Sometimes, I think stupidity should be one as well.

Thanks for the advice about the cookies. Maybe you're right. I'll pass this time.

Go, Cards!

Your friend,


PS: Isn't Mason a tad too young for you? Like by a few hundred years?

Zoe shook her head. She found Ren so confusing. He didn't act like a recruiter. And why were those demons following Mason? The thought caused her to get angry again. Did Ren have something to do with that? What happened that night?

"All finished up?" Mr. Laycock asked, unable to conceal his grin.

Zoe slipped the note back under the binder and handed him the test. "Yes. Thank you."

"Wow. It took me three hours to complete this."

"Uh, sorry. I should have taken longer."

"No, no. You're doing great. I'll look this over later today."

"Okay." She shrugged.

Back to Ren and the demons. Why were they following Mason? Were they threatening to kill her friends? She snatched a sheet of paper from her binder.


Those demons better leave my friends alone. You had better leave my friends alone. If you so much as touch them, I'll find you and I'll kill you very, very slowly. There's no honor in harming the weak.


The school bell rang, and the students packed up their backpacks and books. Zoe folded her note into a square and wrote a large "R" on the back of it. She planned to leave it in her locker, on top of the other books so that Ren might see it easily.

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