Chapter 47

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Zoe climbed from the portal onto the living room carpet and set her backpack down with a small thud. All that stupid homework.

"You are supposed to be in school," Zacharias said.

Zoe hadn't even sensed his presence. "I was."

"Then what are you doing here?" Zacharias placed his hands on his hips. "Don't tell me you've been skipping."

"Skipping?" Zoe gasped at the accusation. "So you think that little of me?" She had no idea what had gotten into Zacharias. Ever since last night's meeting he had been acting strange.

He pointed at her. "The proof is right here."

Muriel barged into the room. "That's enough you too. You both sound like humans."

Zacharias scowled.

At one time, Zoe would have been equally insulted by that remark. "Well, he started it."

Zacharias folded his arms. "I am the senior angel here. You will do as you are told." He released a heavy breath. "Maybe Ophiel is right."

Zoe flinched. She narrowed her eyes.

Muriel stood between them. "Zacharias, that was uncalled for."

"She's skipping, Muriel, abandoning her orders like she always does."

Muriel shook her head. "I'm sure she has a good reason." She turned to Zoe. "You do, don't you?"

Zoe clenched her fist. She didn't want to tell him what she discovered. Maybe she would toss the phone away or give it back. I can't really throw this intel away.

They waited for her to answer, but she held her ground. Her heart raced loudly. She intended them to hear it, to know how angry he made her right now. A mild growl erupted from her lips.

"Zoe," Muriel moved closer. "Calm down."

Zacharias sighed. "Get out of here. Go back to school."

A loud siren-like sound emitted from her pocket, surprising them all.

Muriel raised an eyebrow. "Is that a cell phone?"

"Yes," Zoe answered, still staring at Zacharias.

The phone rang again. Muriel blocked Zoe's view of Zacharias and held out her hand. "That's not your phone. Who's is it?"

Zoe groaned and pulled the phone for her pocket. "Clarissa's, the girl from Melvin Brady's room. She tried to kill herself. I brought her to the hospital."

Zacharias moved into her view. "Did anybody see you? You know what I said about keeping a low profile."

Muriel whipped back to Zacharias and snapped, "Stop. Zacharias, we are angels."

"Uh." Zacharias nearly stumbled back.

Zoe almost laughed, but when Muriel got into her mood she knew better. "No one saw me."

The phone beeped. "Voicemail. From Mom," Muriel said.

Zoe nodded. "I gave the hospital her mother's number. Password is 1-3-9-7. She tried to kill herself with sleeping pills."

"So, so sad," Muriel said. "Humans and their burdens. It can be hard for them." A pained expression shone on her face, and both Zacharias and Zoe lowered their heads.

Muriel played the message for everyone to hear:

Clarissa? Pick up the phone. Ugh. You can be such an annoying brat. I got a call from some hospital somewhere. Honey, I'm too busy right now with that client coming in from Seattle. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just use the credit card if you need to pay for something. Okay? I'll be home late tonight. Chao.

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