Chapter 21

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Printouts of e-mails, phone records, photographs of various individuals-one of them being Melvin Brady-and bank statements had been pinned to a large wall in one of the rooms which had been converted into their main operations room. This farmhouse is so much better than that dingy apartment we used to live in. Being so crammed up together had taken a toll on their relationship, causing them to get grumpy with each other. Well, Zacharias became the ultimate grump. Now, Zoe could spread her wings out indoors and get some distance when she needed to.

"It's not the worse plot we've seen, but it does require us to stick around just a little longer."

Zoe pouted. "How much longer?"

"Well, here's the run down." Muriel pointed to the picture of the principal on the all. "Mr. Patterson and a small group of other male teachers have been involved in sort of a pornography ring that uses some of the students from the school, even a few of their siblings."

Zachariah gritted his teeth. "Child pornography. I'm tempted to allow you to kill them all, Zoe. Tempted."

Zoe smiled. "Just say the word."

"It's not a big ring. It involves maybe five or six students and three teachers and the principal. You already know one of the teachers." She pointed to Mr. Brady.

"I should have killed him."

"Well, it seems that the group has grown very nervous ever since you confronted him earlier this week. Their communication has become much more cautious and even cryptic. What we could piece together is that they were planning some kind of meeting and filming the night of the Homecoming Dance."

"That's next Saturday." Zoe wasn't sure she could last another week being trapped in a public school.

"Yes. Someone from Chicago who we think is the ringleader is coming to the school with some producers or buyers or something like that. They want to inspect the girls personally."

Zacharias nodded. "I have a hunch that this guy is our scion."

"Did you find out who he is?"

Muriel frowned. "No, but he visited the school last week on the same day as the accident. It fits too easily for it to be just a coincidence."

Zoe sighed. "Yes. I was afraid of that."

Zacharias stepped forward. "You need to lay off this Brady teacher. Don't scare them or they might cancel their plans. Low profile, remember."

"I remember." Zoe folded her arms. "Anyway, I got to go."

"Where?" Zacharias questioned.

"Meeting up with the kids from the school. You know, a social group like Muriel wanted."

Zacharias turned to Muriel. "Social group?"

"She'll need to fit in order to keep a low profile."

Zacharias considered this for a moment and nodded. "Good idea. Have fun babysitting." He smirked.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Thanks."

Zacharias grinned. "Try not to stay out past curfew now."

"Shut up." Zoe stomped out of the room. Still, she heard Zacharias laughing to Muriel.

"We should stay here longer. I think Zoe is really loving being in school."

"Don't be cruel," Muriel said.

In her bedroom, Zoe pulled out her dagger, but stopped short of igniting it. Instead, she placed it back into its hidden scabbard and opened the window. The curtains fluttered in the cool breeze, and she inhaled the evening air. She stepped out onto the roof and spread her wings. Plenty of time to get there. So why not?

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now