Chapter 71

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They have no honor! These demons were the worst kind of spiritual beings, having no allegiances to anyone, abiding by none of the rules of engagement. She felt bile rise in her stomach. "I should have known this would happen," she mumbled.

"Hey, don't worry about." Mason reached out a tentative hand. "I'm fine." He pointed to the band-aid his mother gave him. "My mom said its just a cut. She's a nurse, remember?"

Zoe let her shoulders drop and leaned back into the sofa, next to a small pile of unfolded laundry, mostly towels and sheets.

Mason's mother apologized for the untidiness of the house and offered her soda, which Zoe refused. "I'm so happy you are here," she said. "Mason talks about you all the time."

"Mom," Mason moaned, his face turning red.

The woman pulled her son into a bear hug and kissed him multiple times on his cheeks. "Love you, love you, love you!"

"Okay, okay, mom." He squirmed away, but she refused to let him free. Finally, he sighed and replied, "Love you too."

"Good." She turned to Zoe and said, "Thank you for helping him get back home from the car accident. Being hit by a deer, especially one that is afraid, can cause a lot of damage to a car. I'm just so happy Masey didn't get hurt."

"Mom," Mason groaned again.

The woman threw her arms around Zoe and squeezed her. "Too bad Vicky's not here. She talks about you too. Says you're Mason's angel. I had a friend pick her up for a sleepover when I heard that Mason had an accident."

"Uh, that's just an expression," Mason piped up.

His mother whispered into Zoe's ear. "My son's got a crush on you."

Zoe nodded. "Yes, he gets heart fluctuations."

The woman chuckled. "Interesting way to put it." She picked up her purse and keys. Turning back to Mason, she said, "Call me if you feel dizzy or get a headache."

"I will."

"See you kids later."

Mason's mother reminded her of Mrs. Willow, her English teacher—very touchy. Still, Zoe admired the woman's spirit and outlook. She couldn't understand why anyone would wish to hurt a human like her.

"Look," Mason drew Zoe from her thoughts. "At least that demon kid is dead, right?"

"His human form is gone."

"Okay. He's formless. Can he come back?"

Zoe nodded. "It's harder for demons. It might take weeks or months, even longer. Some never make it back."

"Well," Mason leaned at the edge of the recliner. "He's out of the picture for now."

"They're not supposed to attack humans."

"Maybe I pissed him off. You know, in the cafeteria." He shrugged.

"Something doesn't feel right about this. I'll speak to Muriel about this."

"Good idea. See what Muriel says." Mason paused. "Who's Muriel? Is she like your boss or something?"

Zacharias. The thought of him sent a chill down her spine. How much did he need to know about what happened? So much for keeping a low profile. Given this video on the Internet, stealth hadn't been her forte.

If Ophiel discovers this... Oh, no.

The idea of flying through the portals far away suddenly carried great appeal. "She's on my team. She's very wise and understands humans."

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now