Chapter 33

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As soon as Diego pulled into the parking of the tuxedo rental place, his cell phone buzzed. He fished it out of his pocket while Mason sat in the passenger seat and stared out window. What's he thinking about? Is he scared to ask Zoe to the dance?

A picture of Riley popped up on the phone screen. She wore a pink dress and smiled in her cute, but very seductive way.

The two were so different. She was bubbly, and he was mellow. She could be so stubborn, while he was always willing to be flexible. She laughed loudly, full of life, and he chuckled. Yeah, he couldn't figure out how he fell in love with her. Must have been an accident.

A good accident...

Diego had been in a car accident as a child, one that killed his parents. He didn't remember any of it, but had this reoccurring image of a paramedic picking him up off the asphalt. Where had his parents gone? Where was their blue sedan? He remembered that as a child he loved the color of the car because it reminded him of the sky.

No, Riley had been a good accident. He literally bumped right into her last year in the hallway after school. She ran late for cheerleading practice, dressed in her uniform, and he ran late for soccer practice, dressed in his uniform. They rounded the same corner and smashed into each other. "Whoa!" he said, trying to stir away in the last minute.

"Ouch!" she yelled. They both toppled onto the linoleum. "Why don't you watch where you are going?"

"Sorry." His eyes focused on her. "Are you a cheerleader?"

She laughed. "No, silly. I just like wearing this uniform."

"Yeah, sorry." Diego felt so stupid.

"Wait, are you a soccer player?" Her eyes beamed.

He shrugged. "No, I just like wearing this uniform?"

She smiled broadly. "Great. I hear soccer guys can be so self-absorbed."

"Hey, that's not so." Diego stood up.

"I don't see you offering to help me up." Riley held out her hand.

"Oh, of course mi'lady." Diego gently guided her upwards.

"I'm Riley," she said. "And you're Diego."

"Uh, yes. I'm Diego. How did you—"

"I'm a cheerleader. I keep my eyes on the sports player. You seem to be a pretty good soccer player."


She glanced at the clock on the wall. "I'll see you around." She rushed towards the gym.

That was a good accident.

He looked back at the photograph and the corresponding text: Pink bowtie and cummerbund. Wear this for me, sweetie. Besides, you OWE me. Apparently, she was still upset about him ruining their alone time this weekend. He glanced at Mason, who seemed oblivious to the fact that they had stopped and were now in the parking lot.

The next text included a picture of Zoe wearing an elegant, red dress. The text read: She's so beautiful. Make Mason's tux match this color. Make him ask her. Zoe was stunning.

He leaned back in his seat and looked at Mason. "You know, you are going to have to ask Zoe out, right?"

He sighed and turned to him. "What if she already has another date?"

Diego could hear a slight tremble in his voice. Had he been thinking about this the whole time? "Look man, nothing ventured nothing gained."

Mason leaned back against the seat. "I don't know."

"Trust me. I have it on a very credible source that she's looking for a date."

He perked up. "You mean that?"

Diego nodded. "You can ask her as just friends. That might be easier." He held up his phone to him. "Here, take a look."

His mouth fell open. "Wow." The word slipped from his mouth. "How am I going to ask her?"

"Don't worry. Riley has a plan."


"Trust me. She can be very persuasive." They all knew that Riley had skills at getting just about anyone to do whatever she wanted.


Diego and Mason jumped and screamed.

Dominic laughed hysterically. "That was classic!"

"Not funny," Diego said, but still lowered the window. Mason looked like he almost had a heart attack.

Dominic leaned into the car. "So, why are you two just sitting here? I've been watching you from the doorway."

"We're just talking," Diego said.

"Don't look, but I'm not the only one who has been watching you. Behind you, near that tree."

Diego glanced up at the rearview mirror while Mason looked at the side mirror. Two guys were definitely staring directly at them. Each leaned against the tree with their arms folded across their chests. They both wore dark, trench coats.

Mason turned back to Dominic. "Who are they?"

"Not sure, but I think I've seen them at a school."

Diego had never noticed them in school before. Regardless, he felt a very odd feeling come over him. The skin behind the medallion that his grandmother made him wear tingled with warmth. "Let's get inside."

"They're probably just some gothic druggies," Dominic said. "But if I see them again, I might teach them a lesson." He cracked his knuckles.

When they glanced back, the two interlopers had vanished. Mason tilted his head. "Maybe they heard you, Dominic."

"They probably couldn't hear me, Mason, but good if they did. Let's get some tuxedos. I'm dying to see Diego with his pink bowtie."

"Wait! Riley sent you pictures too?"

"Nope. Lin. Pink is really your color man!"

Diego pushed him by the shoulder. "Quit laughing!"

"Riley's got you wrapped around her little finger."

"You shouldn't be talking, Dominic."

"We all know who the real boss is in my relationship."

"And that would be Lin," Diego replied.

Mason just shook his head in bewilderment. Diego opened the door of the tuxedo rental shop, and Dominic threw an arm about Mason's shoulders. "Don't worry, buddy! We'll get you hooked up real soon."

"I'm fine," Mason protested.

They both laughed. "Let's get you that tuxedo and that red bowtie and cummerbund."

"But, I haven't even asked her yet."

"Oh, you will. You will," Dominic assured him.

Diego could see the fear in Mason's eyes. How could his friend be so shy? He remembered his conversation with Zoe last week in their biology classroom about whether or not she knew of Mason's crush. She wasn't interested. I hope Riley is right about Zoe. A rejection would crush him.

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