Chapter 51

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Zoe hesitated in the portals just outside the girl's bathroom to make sure no one was in the room. She didn't want a repeat of yesterday.

Her cell buzzed. She didn't know her phone could get a signal while in the portals. She read the message.

Crispin: Where am I supposed to go again?

Another text? That was the fourth one this morning. What should I wear? Which room should I portal to? Why did Riley give me this shirt for Erica?

To that last question, Zoe responded that she didn't know, which was a lie.

Zoe: Flagpole at the front of the school.

Crispin: No one here

Zoe: It's too early.

Crispin: Then why are we here?

The angel warrior just wasn't too bright. She wondered how Cera, his team leader, managed working with him.

Zoe: So no one sees you portal.

Crispin: Oh. Okay.

She stepped into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Riley insisted that she wear one of her blue denim jackets. "It goes with the time," she said.

Zoe tried to protest, but Riley wouldn't take no for an answer. Lin and her practically carried Zoe up to Riley's bedroom and into her expansive closet. Zoe had never see so many clothes before. So much pink!

Riley motioned the three of them to huddle up in the closet. "Listen," she whispered. "We have definitely got to get Crispin to ask Erica to the Homecoming Dance?"

"Why?" Zoe asked, not following the logic.

"Because Erica has the hots for him and doesn't have a date for the dance yet."

Zoe almost asked if Erica had fever, but then remembered about temperature words. Riley wanted Crispin to present the shirt as a gift. She laid out her plan, while the boys were downstairs waiting for the shirts to be finished going through the dryer cycle. Crispin should have been listening to the conversation, instead of just talking about Star Wars and what Ewoks were. Mason wouldn't shut up about that and practically begged Zoe to watch the films.

Regardless, this morning everything seemed to fall into place. Muriel wanted Crispin to sneak into the dance as a student just in case. "I think something big is going to go down. It would be good to have another angel present." Riley's plan presented the perfect solution.

Her phone buzzed yet again.

Crispin: When do they get here?

Zoe: Not for another ten minutes.

Crispin: Hate waiting.

Zoe: Then, you'll love school.

Crispin: Ugh.

Zoe: Meet at the office. Let's get your student id first then.

Crispin: Good idea.

Zoe introduced Crispin to Mrs. Brown, the receptionist. "Your cousin? Oh, how delightful," she said. "Oh, and I love your shirts. Both of yours."

Crispin's shirt had been made with green and yellow colors. Zoe's had red and blue colors.

Crispin grinned for his photograph. "Oh, you look so adorable." Mrs. Brown nearly pinched Crispin's cheeks.

"Thank you, ma'am," he replied. "My mother says I take after her."

What in Heaven's name?

"Well, she was must quite the looker." Mrs. Brown gave him the id card. "Now, don't forget to take this to the library to get your computer access setup."

"Yes, ma'am." Crispin smiled.

Once they left the office, Zoe asked, "What mother? You don't have a mother."

"I know, but the ladies love that line."

"That lady thinks your fourteen-years-old."

"Well, uh, you never know."

They made their way into the courtyard, where quite a few students wore 1960's garb that included bell-bottoms, blue jeans, and T-shirts featuring rock bands. "There's Erica. Give her the shirt. Be friendly to her."

"Yes, boss," Crispin retorted and saluted her. He marched down to flagpole.

Everyone had arrived, except Mason who was probably dropping off his sister at school.

Crispin waltzed right before Erica. "I present you, mi'lady, with this gift." He bent on one knee and held the shirt up with both hands.

Riley laughed. "Oh, my god! How romantic."

Erica lifted the shirt. Her heart rate increased, and Zoe could easily see the girl's face flush. The word hot instantly made sense in that moment.

"Thank you, Crispin," she said.

"My pleasure and honor." Crispin stood up.

"How valiant," Lin noted.

Dominic chuckled. "Yeah, he's a regular knight in tie-dye."

Lin punched him in the arm. "Don't ruin the moment. Chivalry isn't dead yet."

"Ouch." Dominic rubbed his shoulder. "Well, being a fair maiden apparently is."

Lin raised her fist again. "What are you saying? You want me to abide by a passive role assigned to women to promote patriarchy in society."

"Uh, yes?" Dominic dodged Lin's next attack.

"You come here right now!" Lin chased him around the flagpole. 

Mason showed up. "Yup, another normal morning."

When the school bell rang, Crispin came up by Zoe and whispered in a voice that only she could hear. "See? I told you your human friends were amusing."

Mason bumped up against Zoe. "Walk you to your locker?"

"I guess so," Zoe said, wanting to get away from Crispin.

"Wait, Zoe," Erica cut in. "Go with me to the bathroom and help me put this shirt on."

"You need help with the shirt?"

"Yes," she answered and grabbed Zoe by the wrist, pulling her along. Zoe resisted breaking Erica's arm in half. Demons avoided touching angel warriors and so did most other angels.

"Okay, okay," Erica ranted. "You've got to tell me. Does he like me? Will he ask me to the dance?"

"What? Who?"

"Crispin, your cousin." She breathed deeply. "Please tell he's not gay. All the cute guys are gay. It just isn't fair."

"No, he's normally not—" Not very happy, she had intended to say.

"Thank God! What a relief." Erica placed both of her hands on Zoe's shoulder. "Please, please get him to ask me to the dance. He's going, right?"

Zoe could have snapped off each of her fingers. She could have jabbed her thumb into her windpipe. She could have kicked her.

"Okay, I'll tell him to ask you to the dance."

"Oh, my! That would be wonderful. I hope he does. He's just so freaky hot. I can't believe..."

Zoe gently moved Erica's hands off of her shoulders. "Have to go to class." She sped out of the bathroom before Erica was even done talking. 

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