Chapter 75

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Ren observed from the top of the football stadium as the watcher teams took positions within the empty school building, all part of their plan to capture him. Did they really think he would allow that? "Changing sides?" He shook his head. He sent that text because he wanted to ensure that Zoe had the opportunity to experience her first high school dance.

A white van approached the back parking lot of the school. A small satellite dish adorned its roof. Muriel's in there. He had seen the vehicle before and knew it contained computers and radio transmitters. Muriel probably established video surveillance and hacked into the school's cameras. Ren hadn't had an opportunity to plant a bug inside it. Not yet, at least.

Ren scanned the building, sorting out where the watchers might be stationed. They want to be hidden, maybe in empty classroom or behind the stage. The school dance was to take place in the gymnasium, which finally had its wall repaired from that crash two weeks ago. That's when the scion appeared, and then never appeared again.

Is the scion even real? Leo told the watchers that Gabriel confirmed the scion's existence. Maria de los Santos sent a message that the mysterious descendant of the Nephilim, whose blood contained that of a fallen angel, would arrive tonight. Still, like Ophiel, he had his doubts. How can someone with that much power not use it again?

Movement in the shrubs at the far end of the parking lot caught his eye. A figure lurked the shadows. Definitely not an angel, but too careful to be one of Araqiel's demons. Ren watched and waited for the creature to reveal itself.

A car pulled up to the school and stopped into a reserved space. Principal Carter Patterson. Behind him, a sedan drove up as well. Melvin Brady. Then two other male teachers converged. All four men exited their cars and converged at the front door of the school, where Mr. Patterson fumbled with his keys.

"It was Clarissa, wasn't it?" Melvin Brady said. "I knew she'd be trouble."

"Doesn't matter. We must destroy the evidence. Erase everything you can from your computers, especially the video files and your e-mails," Mr. Patterson said. "We might not have much time. Remember, deny everything." He propped open the door, and they all funneled inside.

The figure in the shadow leaned forward, his face illuminated just briefly. What was Turiel doing here? Like Sariel, the commander of the scion forces rarely if ever came to the Earth's surface. Then Ren remembered about the attack on Leo's team the weekend before. Leo said that Turiel captured Aniela. Why? It doesn't make sense. This doesn't feel right. Turiel never travels alone.

 Turiel never travels alone

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The swelling on Mr. Osaka's cheek finally subsided. Although the one called Ivo barely grazed him, Osaka never been hit so hard before. Nonetheless, Osaka donned his custodial uniform, placed the keys in his pocket, and walked to the school, which was only a mile away.

He both basked in the sun's rays and savored October chill that hung in the air. He deepened his stride and set each foot deliberately onto the sidewalk. Nearby, a dog trotted along, pulling its owner by a leash. The dog sniffed the grass along the walkway, paused to take in Osaka, and then carried along its way.

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