Really... or are you just being nice?

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"So Levi, how's Eren doing?"

Looking up from the pile of conflicting depositions from one of their business clients, he sighed at the face of the beaming brunette. He didn't have time for this. One of their clients, Garrison Ltd., had undergone an enormous, unprecedented change in their business model and replaced almost their entire executive management team, which meant that all the work they had been doing on a case had to be redone. Worse, the change in direction meant that most of the existing paperwork from the old system was now conflated with the new ones, making it a giant pain in his ass to work through. This kind of thing was why Erwin paid him the big bucks though. He wasn't the only one on the case, but his whole team was stressing out over it. Months of work had been wasted.

"The brat's fine. Now go away." He said, turning back to his papers.

"But Leviiii – I have some good news for you!"

"What? You found a patient who is willing to undergo almost lethal amounts of spider venom and report back how it feels? Because if it's not that, I'm not interested."

Hange, with their medical specialty, was part-scientist, doctor, and lawyer, all-in-one, who was currently working on a case involving a man who allegedly committed suicide from spider venom, but failed to do so and ended up paralyzed from the waist down, since their body reacted strangely to the venom. Originally, they had been pursuing their combined MD/PhD, when there had been a case about an omega who had undergone brain surgery where the anesthesia didn't take and hallucinated that he was being gangraped during the procedure. The hospital was sued for negligence, malpractice, and for causing undue stress on the patient. Hange, being the medical nut they were, was bummed out you couldn't run tests to see how electrical and other forms of stimulation during surgery affected alphas, betas, and omegas differently, so they turned to the law to better understand what could and couldn't be done. And that, they enjoyed hearing of all the things that other doctors did wrong and criticizing their work. Now, although they had gotten three doctorates – medical, philosophy or research, and judicial – they worked almost exclusively as a lawyer with a dabbling at the hospital part-time. Secretly, though, Levi thought that the brunette was plain crazy. Crazy intelligent, but also just a nutcase.

"Oooh – That would be so fun! Do you know anyone like that?" At the glare they saw in those silvery eyes, they cleared their throat and went back to the original purpose of the visit. "No. But I think that we might have found someone who is willing to take Eren for the long-term if you would prefer not to have him."

"I'll let him know."

Hange glanced at their friend. They would have thought that Levi would be glad to have the teenager gone, but from the sound of it, perhaps he had grown accustomed to having Eren around?

"Now get out, unless you want me to shove my foot up your ass for interrupting me, shitty glasses."

The possibility that Levi was more receptive to Eren than they had thought made them smile as they closed the door behind the scowling dark-haired man.


"Get over here brat. I have something to tell you."

Eren shut the door behind him hurriedly, remembering to take off his shoes, and walked past the living room towards Levi's office. His heart was thumping nervously at the summons. Levi rarely called him in for anything. Normally if he wanted to ask a question, he would do so and not bother calling Eren so formally.

Shuffling his feet as he neared the stout oak door, he peered in to see the older man typing away on his computer.

"Umm... Levi?"

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