Roses and Chocolate Fondue [Marriage 4]

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"I'm back." Eren muttered to no one in particular as he shut the garage door behind him and took off his shoes.

He knew Levi had gotten caught up in some 'bureaucratic bullshit' and would be coming home at least an hour later than usual. Chances were that it was going take longer than that. Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen. The prospect of eating dinner by himself on Valentine's Day was depressing; after all the crap he had to deal with at work that day, he had just wanted to spend the rest of the day with his fiancé.

It was their first Valentine's since moving into the new house in early December of last year, and Eren was miffed about Levi not being around. The house felt much too large for two people most of the time, and being by himself with an absentee fiancé only exacerbated his loneliness. They used only a few of the rooms on a regular basis, and more rooms simply meant more cleaning. Not that he minded cleaning, remembering some the wicked things they had enjoyed while doing so. They had literally christened each and every room after settling in. It had been followed by a thorough round of cleaning the house, which again devolved into sex since Levi 'loved seeing his ass' when the omega was cleaning. However, as fun as being in the spacious house was when they were together, it was that much lonelier without Levi.

Flicking the light switch as he wandered into the kitchen, he was surprised to see a bouquet of red roses and a large elegant box of chocolates setting on the marble countertop. Levi must have gotten them and returned home sometime during his lunch break, since he had left the house before Eren as usual and they weren't there when the younger man had left for work. Humming in appreciation, as he examined his favorite brand of chocolate, he found a small note tucked beneath the ribbon. Flipping it open, the omega's heart let out a small skip at Levi's thoughtfulness.


Happy Valentine's Day, brat. I know we promised to spend this year's together after what happened last time, so forgive me for breaking our promise. In the meantime, these are for you. I know how much you like them, so try not to eat all of them before I get back.


It was curt, and not too fluffy, just the way Levi was when he was trying to show affection. Last year, Valentine's had been on a Sunday, but they had to postpone their date after Erwin had some last-minute business crisis that he needed Levi to deal with. They had been able to celebrate with dinner the following evening, but it just wasn't the same thing.

Eyeing the box of artisan chocolates, Eren had half a mind to devour them just to spite the alpha for missing out again. Although the man hated sweets, the omega knew how much his mate enjoyed sharing them mouth-to-mouth with him. Giving into temptation, he popped one into his mouth, feeling the creamy dark truffle melt on his palate. Moaning lightly at the bittersweet confection, Eren was about to consume another one when the faint smear of chocolate on his finger caught his attention.

Levi was undone by the sight of that naked gorgeous sun-kissed skin lazing in the scented water covered with rose petals. The faint sound of the Jacuzzi dulled down as he switched off the jet streams to get a better look at Eren. Steam swirled, slowly rising and ghosting gently over his mate's skin like a lover would. The same way he wanted to caress that sun-kissed skin with his hands and lips.

Those bright aquamarine eyes looking at him, half-lidded, were filled with wicked promises. A sultry, inviting smile was on those crimson lips stained dark with chocolate. Eren's pink tongue peeked out licking a corner before a finger came up to leisurely wipe the sticky sweetness away. The omega's sinful mouth opened, making a slow scene of sucking and licking on his own digit. Small breathless sighs escaped as those eyes batted back at him, teasingly.

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