Into the woods [Domesticity 6]

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Casting a look at his sleeping mate, Levi carefully extricated himself from Eren's limbs. The brat was like a koala sometimes with his limbs all wrapped up around him, not that the dark-haired man minded the extra heat and affection. Pulling the covers back up over his husband, he padded softly to the bathroom. Finishing his morning ablutions with military precision, Levi walked to the small kitchenette and turned on the kettle for tea. A few more steps took him out onto the front porch to admire the tranquil beauty around them before Eren woke. Unlike the city, there was no hustle or bustle in the woods and he was grateful for that.

When Eren had first brought up camping all those years back, Levi hadn't thought much about it. It boggled his mind why anyone want to go to those dirty woods and trudge around the forest to walk around more filth. But somehow here they were, in the middle of the woods at some private rental cabin – which of course needed to be cleaned from floor to ceiling – again. He thought differently now. There was something to be said about spending time alone in a small cabin with his mate with no distractions around them.

Initially, the only saving grace of having escaped the city was being alone with Eren and away from all that insanity back at home. However, when they first arrived late afternoon after work yesterday, the alpha had conceded it was a good choice to avoid the current heat wave sweeping Trost and most of eastern USA. Even though it wasn't unbearably hot like it sometimes got in the summers, it wasn't that far off. The streets didn't reek of sweat yet, but Levi was sure they soon would. There was a shit ton of people visiting from out of state for Black Friday and the alpha wanted to avoid that shitfest as much as possible. There wasn't much he or Eren needed, and if necessary, they could always buy it online.

Not only was it the long weekend, but now that Eyebrows was given the green light with his new prosthesis, Petra had planned a giant-ass Thanksgiving-slash-congratulatory party this weekend; they had already celebrated his return and discharge from the hospital, and Levi vastly preferred finally being able to spend time with his mate. The blonde had been out of commission for a decent stretch, which meant that everyone had had to stay behind longer in the office. Even after Eyebrows had returned to work, it was somewhat difficult with only one arm. It had taken nearly half a year for them to fit and customize a prosthetic arm that was up to snuff. Frankly, Levi wasn't at all surprised to hear that Erwin and Petra had hooked up. Relationships weren't his thing, but he knew that if anyone could get Eyebrows to do things, the redhead was certainly one such person. Over the course of Erwin's hospitalization and rehabilitation, she had constantly visited him. At first she had been concerned due to work, and then as a friend, and it had evolved from there. Levi hoped it would work out between the pair. Workplace relationships gone wrong were a hassle to deal with.

Up here in the cabin with his mate he didn't need to bother thinking about things like that. It was just him, Eren, and the outdoors for four days. They wouldn't be celebrating a traditional Thanksgiving – it would be too much food and he had never celebrated it as a kid – but then again, there was really only one thing he was thankful for... and that was Eren being in his life. Everything else be damned.

Levi peered into the woods, watching as shafts of light streamed through the dense canopy and glistened off the morning dew dotting the tiny mountain flowers and grasses. Water, fresh from an underground reservoir gurgled up into the small brook running next to the cabin. In the gaps between the trees he could make out the blueness of the sky, clear of any clouds. This time of year, much of the foliage was a mixture of majestic yellow, orange, and red, but a couple of trees had somehow retained their summery green hue. A small breeze blew through, rustling the leaves. In the distance, Levi could make out the gentle call of birdsong heralding a new day. This was the life.

Hearing the whistle of the kettle, he walked back indoors to begin making breakfast. If Eren wasn't awake by then, he would be happy just lounging around and reading until his mate woke up.

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