Workplace Stress [University 12]

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Watching the new intern, David or something similar sounding, he couldn't be bothered to remember the name, struggle with the photocopier made Levi want to strangle someone. Instead of taking a few minutes, it took the idiot at least a minute per copy and the retard wasn't even done yet. From what he could see, the idiot kept pressing random buttons, taking at least fifty separate jobs to make fifty fucking photocopies and jamming the device multiple times in the process. He'd bet the incompetent fool had messed up and made them single-sided or some other weird bullshit.

Tapping his pen impatiently on the desk for those copies, Levi was annoyed. No, that was too tame a word. He was fucking pissed off. Why in the world Erwin thought it would be a good idea to have him mentor the new guy made no sense. Everyone knew Levi didn't get along with incompetent assholes; it only irritated the alpha.

He needed those documents for a meeting they would be having in less than ten minutes and at the rate the guy was going at, there would be no time to brief his team or look over them before the meeting started. The dark-haired male didn't even know how the fucktard survived the interview. Either everyone else was a moron – in which they should have just avoided hiring any of them at all – or the piece of shit got in due to some fucked up loophole like sucking Shitwin's dick or something.

Honestly, Levi didn't care. At first he had thought about making the guy sweat until he either complained and was given to someone else or, better yet, quit. Unfortunately, none of that seemed to be happening.

Since last Monday, nothing seemed to be going the alpha's way. It was now ten days later and Levi would officially say that the world had decided to take a massive shit on him.

Even after two months, Hange was still bugging him for his damned size, not that he would ever tell the lunatic. The crazy piece of shit was driving him mad, coming into his office at every chance, and even texting and calling him in the middle of the day and night. Levi would have killed them had it not been illegal and difficult to do; they would probably enjoy the experience.

The notion of privacy didn't seem to faze Hange. Every time they went out to eat or passed a hotdog stand, which was very infrequently since he tended to avoid them as much as possible, four-eyes would somehow steer the conversation towards his dick. They would even purposely buy it and eat it in front of him just to get a rise out of him. Not that Levi was particularly fond of processed meats, but the actions were off-putting and turned him off from the food entirely. At least he didn't get drunk easily. The four-eyed freak had also tried to loosen his tongue with alcohol, but ended up drunk under the table instead. Hange whined about having a massive hangover the next day, but in Levi's humble opinion, that was deserved.

Levi didn't even remember the last time he got drunk. He could still remember Eren's twenty-first birthday with crystal clarity. His mate had already gotten the message, but still had an axe to grind with Kirstein for the whole fiasco. The dirty blonde was carefully avoiding him these days, although he'd never really hung around the idiot in the first place. Levi wasn't sure why Eren continued to consider the guy a friend given how frequently the omega complained about the bastard, but then sometimes the brat's head wasn't screwed on right. Whatever, Kirstein would get his comeuppance one day.

Naturally word of Hange's new phallic obsession ended up in Erwin's ears. Although Captain American didn't really make fun of him the way the freak did, Levi would still see the mirth each time Hange dropped by with their loud voice, disturbing the peace. He'd bet the rest of his team also heard, although they made less a fuss about it than Hange.

Then Erwin had to go and dump some newbie hire or intern or whatever the fuck the shithead's role was on his lap. That piece of shit was more incompetent than Oluo, which was saying something. The first time that idiot boiled water he almost exploded the kettle, which might have been impressive in and of itself since they were pretty hard to explode, if Levi weren't so pissed off and needed hot water for his tea. The fucktard should have just burnt his face off and saved them all the effort of dealing with the living disaster.

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