Scented Lavender [University 6]

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"Why lavender?"

"It's supposed to help people relax." Levi grunted, digging his knuckles into a particularly bad knot in Eren's back as the brat squirmed. "Stop fidgeting."

"B-but it tickles!"

When they had gotten home, instead of getting into it hot and heavy as he had already planned, Levi was giving Eren another back massage, trying to work out all the remaining kinks in those muscles. He knew the brat was aroused though. Fast, shallow breaths escaped out every time his hands slid against a particularly sensitive area.

The alpha had not liked the fact some Latina Barbie-doll had upset Eren by trying to slip him her number earlier. He wasn't interested; couldn't she see that he was with someone? That someone being his mate. The insult had slipped out after she batted those unnatural lashes and threatened to smother him with that nauseating perfume, and although he typically wasn't so openly vocal about it – or maybe he was – Levi personally felt a jolt of satisfaction seeing the surprised look on Eren's face. He had brought Eren to the café since he wanted to congratulate the brat, but they had gotten sidetracked. At least the omega's mind wasn't focused on that particular incident anymore.

It had been almost two months since they last did it and the dark-haired male wanted his mate to be properly relaxed and stretched out, otherwise it would hurt. They both had pent-up desire and he figured this would be a good way to ease into it.

Cupping both globes of that beautifully bronzed bottom, Levi slowly kneaded it enjoying the feel of supple firm flesh in his hands. Those breaths grew even faster as he parted Eren's cheeks to reveal that pink twitching needy opening. Running an oil-slicked finger against the pucker, he smirked at the small whimpers escaping his mate.

Sliding a finger passed that ring of muscle, he could feel the muscles clench around him, trying to suck him in further. His free hand moved down to knead Eren's thigh, reveling in the small mewls of pleasure emitted by his mate as another finger was added. Levi could make out the sloppy wet sounds as the omega began to self-lubricate, the hot wet channel clenching around his fingers.

It was unfortunate most of the sounds were muted by the pillows. It had been too long since he had heard those beautiful cries of his mate. Levi loved how vocal Eren was. It was blessing to hear him gasping and moaning at the slightest touch. The cries and whimpers Eren made in the throes of passion contrasted with the blushing mess his omega became afterwards, made him want to tease Eren even more. Slipping a third finger in, the tips of his fingers rubbed against that bundle of nerves.


Eren's back arched into the mattress, his bottom jutting out, slick beginning to slide down those perfect thighs. Grabbing hold of his mate's weeping erection, Levi gave it a few pumps. Running his thumb over the slit, he coated his hands with precum and resumed his hand job.

"Haaa... Ahh..."

The omega's ass was fully in the air now, hands fisting the sheets tightly, as those hips moved back and forth seeking more stimulation. The small mewls grew louder and more evocative. There was something to be said about watching one's mate writhe during the day when his mind was fully alert. Levi could feel the twitches around his fingers as he continued to play with that tight entrance.

"Feeling good, Eren?"

" it-it's too much..."

"But I need to stretch you out. It's been a while since we last did it."

"I-I'm going to cum... hnn..." Smiling devilishly, Levi applied pressure right at his mate's sweet spot, fisting harder on Eren's cock, watching and feeling his mate come apart from his hands alone. "Uhnnn... cumming!"

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