Into a New Year [Parenthood 13]

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"Shhh... daddy's sleeping."

"Izzy... daddy might get mad."

"But he promised!"


Levi had to hide his snort of amusement at the anxious voices of his kids as they neared. Despite all the background noises, they were like tiny dinosaurs. Isabel and Carla knew better than to wake him abruptly, and Farlan was too young to know. His daughters had woken up him early once before by bouncing on top of his bed, and he had grounded them for doing so.

"Daddy, daddy wake up! Can we go play in the snow now?"

Before he could stop them, a child-sized lump crashed onto the bed. Levi groaned as the weight of his energetic six year old daughter fell on him, tugging at his arm through the comforter. As always, Isabel's twin was also present, but standing a little further back. That didn't mean he couldn't see the excitement shining in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Isabel, what'd I say about jumping on the bed when we're sleeping?" Grabbing her hand, so that she wouldn't pounce on them again, he checked to make sure the noise machine hadn't accidentally woken Eren up.

"But's almost nine and you promised!" The hellion whined, tugging on the blankets again.

Right now Levi wished he hadn't promised. There had been an exceptional snowfall this year, and they had a white Christmas. The snow on the lawns was almost a foot high. Ever since the winter holidays had begun the brats had been hounding him to go play outside. Levi hated the cold, but it was also impossible not to give into their demands after hearing them for the hundredth time. Typically, Eren would be playing in the snow with them, which gave him an excuse to skip out, but his husband was busy nursing their second son who was almost three months old, so it was imperative for Eren to keep warm and stay healthy.

"Isabel, you know very well that you can't just barge into our bedroom. Mommy's been busy taking care of your new younger brother and needs to rest." That wasn't exactly the whole truth, given what they had been up to last night, but dealing with a three month old infant definitely wore someone out. They were also both completely naked underneath the covers, limbs intimately intertwined.

Chase had just begun to sleep through the night by the time Christmas rolled around, so they had finally been able to get some quality time together. Between his birthday and the holiday festivities, Levi was simply glad he could have Eren to himself at night. Like the previous pregnancies, sex was on hiatus from the last few weeks of the pregnancy till about three or four months, when the baby (or babies in the case of Isabel and Carla) could sleep through the night. In this case, it had been at least four months since he had sex with Eren and both of them had suffered through it. They had spent half the night making love and becoming reacquainted with each other's bodies until the early morning. Although it would have been possible to force themselves for another round or two, they were both worn out even before they started from the ongoing holiday celebrations. It was well-worth the lack of sleep, however. Both of them had missed the physical intimacy.


"Okay, okay. Just give me half an hour to get ready." They still needed to eat breakfast, so it would be at least another hour or so before going outside, but Levi wasn't looking forward to the wet snow and cold.


Isabel was even more stubborn and hardheaded than he remembered Eren being. They typically locked the door at home, but they had been too busy trying to get into each other's pants last night to remember it. In any case, showing off his birthday suit to his daughters was not something Levi relished doing.

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