Office Trysts [Marriage 2]

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"Hey Levi, congratulations again on your engagement! Doing anything special over the weekend with your honey?"

As ecstatic as he was that Eren had said 'yes,' Levi was getting annoyed at all the well-wishers. Almost a week had passed since he had proposed and most of his colleagues had found out from Hange either last weekend or on Monday. It was now Friday and they were still teasing him about it.

This was a workplace, not a social gathering. Saying congratulations once on his impending nuptials was enough. It was more than plenty. There was no need to drag it out or parade it around like he was doing something completely unheard of. The dark-haired male had made the announcement to his team at the beginning of the week simply as a heads-up, since they would eventually need to cover his workload while he and his brat were away on honeymoon. Everyone else could find out from Eyebrows or shitty-glasses if they wanted to. Besides, knowing Hange as well as he did, the lunatic would annoy him for days anyway.

Levi was still irritated that Hange had told Eren, but the brunette only cackled madly when confronted about it. It was so tempting to slip a little poison into Hange's drinks or perhaps add something to one of their experiments, but that would just be stooping to the lunatic's level of immaturity. Perhaps torture. He could tie Hange over a roasting pit and cook them alive. Coyotes or bears would probably be happy for the meal. Hiding the body wasn't an issue, but Erwin would find out and be pissed, which meant Eren and that overprotective cousin of his would also find out. Besides, chances were that the crazy ass four-eyes would either enjoy it or find some way to escape. God knows what they hid up their sleeves.

Slamming his office door loudly, Levi slumped back in his chair. His morning had just started, but it was undoubtedly going to be a long day.

...If only he knew.

Striding angrily back to his office, he had to suppress his urge to pummel the next thing or person that attempted to interact with him. The meeting with their newest private client, Dok Enterprise, had been a disaster. It was a small company, which should have meant fewer hoops to jump through, but Dok's team had been insistent on their strategy. Levi knew their suggestion was bound to fail, but they persisted in their claims that this time it would be different. The representatives they sent, Elbringer and Sannes, were unfamiliar with the intricacies of corporate law, thinking that brute force could solve everything. Nile Dok had dropped in as well, but thankfully he didn't have to work with a guy whose facial hair looked a failed imitation of Don Juan.

Normally he'd refuse the case, but Erwin had called in a favor and the dark-haired alpha was the best at dealing with these types of complications – just not with the people. Maybe Hange could be persuaded to shave off the Dok's goatee and give the rest of them a bad case of scabies, just for shits and giggles. The shithead would probably look better without it too.

He barely registered the smirks and giggles directed his way as exited the elevator. They were probably all still tittering over his engaged status. Just because he hadn't shown any interest in a relationship before Eren came around didn't mean he was some sort of troglodyte. They had way too much time on their hands if they could spend it gossiping about his personal life. Heck, he'd give them the Dok case if they were that bored. Rolling his eyes in disgust, the alpha barreled through the door to his office and slammed it shut behind him, not noticing that the blinds were pulled down.

In hindsight, that might have been a bad idea, since he wasn't prepared for what happened next. As soon as he crossed the threshold, a familiar scent – the only one able to simultaneously calm his mind yet arouse his body – assaulted his senses.

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