Epilogue Pt 2: Reminiscence

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It was funny how people's perceptions changed and his mate stood out when Levi's height wasn't as obvious, such as when he was sitting down or standing by himself. Even after all these years, Eren still retained mixed feelings about seeing so many people eye his mate. Pride that it was hisalpha they were staring at. Dark satisfaction that Levi only had eyes for him. But irritation also made itself known. The man was already mated andwedded, why did they even think it possible to steal his mate? Levi was his! And this was their tenth anniversary celebration!

The most amusing fact thing to Eren was that if a stranger were to guess his age, they'd probably put him in his early or mid-twenties, when that had been a decade ago. Even after having being pregnant and having children, the omega still had a full head of messy brown hair and a face that had not changed much in the past ten years. Admittedly, it was in part because he chose his clothing based on whatever felt comfortable, which more often than not jeans and comfy sweaters when it was cold and shorts and t-shirts when it was hot. None of that so-called middle-aged fashion for him. His face had matured slightly over the years, so at least he didn't constantly get carded when buying alcohol anymore; just some of the times. But the omega didn't really have to worry about skin care and all that crap, other than sunscreen for him and the children at his husband's insistence when they were out. And the few times he had complained of being out of shape were easily quashed with Levi dragging him on workouts and morning runs.

Levi, on the other hand, looked almost exactly the same as the alpha had looked those fifteen or so odd years ago, sinfully attractive (and short) in a dark, broody way, except that he didn't scowl as often and showed his softer side to Eren constantly. His mate was a lucky bastard. The omega doubted anyone would guess that his husband was approaching his mid-forties given how fit Levi was and the lack of grey hairs. His husband was constantly asked about how old he was as a possible prelude to sex, which made it blatantly clear, even if his mate refused to play ball, that there were still others interested in getting the alpha in bed.

One could almost believe the urban myth that sex was a fountain of youth given how neither of them looked their respective ages. With the exception of the small hiccup a few weeks ago, the frequency and intensity of their sex life had barely changed. It had gone down somewhat after having kids, but that was to be expected. Still, Eren would bet their combined fortunes that he and Levi went at it more than both average married and bonded couples, not that he minded in the least.

Although it was largely because of how amazing sex felt, it was also driven by the loving, intimate connection they shared during lovemaking. No matter who took the initiative or was in control, there was an element of ensuring their partner felt good as well. More often than not, the omega would categorize what they did as lovemaking rather than sex. The pleasure begotten from sex toys or other things was vastly outweighed by the mere pleasure of being skin-to-skin with one another. Those added spice once in a while, but there was something to be said about exploring and re-exploring one's other half naturally that evoked a level of emotional intimacy and connectedness which never grew old.

Sometimes when he looked back at their first few rocky years together, Eren never would have guessed that he would share such a connection with the older man. Their relationship had come so far from absolute strangers forced into the most bizarre living arrangement and ending up as a mated and wedded couple with kids. It wasn't without problems, but just thinking about or being next to his husband made Eren happy.

Merely saying that he loved Levi couldn't begin to describe the enormity of how he felt. It was physical, emotional, and psychological. It might not seem like it to outsiders, with how outgoing Eren was and the wide disconnect between their likes and dislikes, but they complemented and understood each other. Everyday Eren felt like he fell a little more in love with his husband thinking that he could never love him more, but the next day it would happen again. From the simplest of things to the smallest utterances Levi made, there was no limit to how much he loved his dark-haired alpha.

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