Epilogue Pt 1: Surprises

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Eren was worried. For the last couple of days, no weeks, Levi had been so busy at work their sex life was almost nonexistent. Sometimes he'd find his husband returning home well into the wee hours of the morning and then would wake up find the sheets already cold. The only signs that the alpha had been back were the notes on the table, coffee in the pot (for Eren of course), and lingering scent on the sheets next to him.

He had never before worried about whether his mate wanted him. Before, the dark-haired alpha would constantly make subtle passes when no one was looking, groping a feel here and a quickie there while the kids were gone. Levi wasn't the unfaithful type and there were no signs of it, but perhaps the man had finally grown tired of him physically?

The alpha was just as affectionate with chaste farewell and evening kisses, using endearments, making dinner and doing the dishes, even spending time reading bedtime stories to their kids. These days, however, his husband spent more time than usual in his office, but the workload had never gotten so bad in the past that Levi stopped having sex with him. Whenever he asked Levi, the alpha simply said he was busy – it was true, there was a large amount of paperwork and reading he brought back that was now lying on the table – but that didn't satisfy Eren.

Yesterday morning he had woken up before Levi and tried to get his husband in the mood with a blowjob. The dark-haired male had gotten hard, letting Eren know that the alpha still wanted him, yet when he asked for a quickie it was denied. Levi had excused himself, citing an early morning meeting at the office, leaving behind a horny and worried omega.

It wasn't the abstinence period that happened which concerned Eren, they had had much worse when Isabel and Carla were born, but the fact that the man's desire for him seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden. The omega had wracked his brain, trying to come up with some explanation, but there was none. He hoped it wouldn't spell an even larger problem with their relationship after all these years.

The only notable difference between now and then was sex. It was glaringly absent. It didn't matter if it was making love, fucking, or even oral sex; everything was a big empty nil. It was highly doubtful that his mate's libido would have suddenly vanished in the last two weeks, but if it had, it was troubling. Eren still had a healthy functioning sex drive, largely developed from how often they did it in the past. The omega supposed he could have just relied on a sex toy for relief, similar to the times where they simply fucked since it felt good, but it was more than just that.

He couldn't remember the last time he had masturbated. Each time he had tried touching himself, Levi had been present with him. Eren still remembered the gentle kisses from his husband, the touch of the alpha's hands roaming across his body, and the feel of being intimately connected with his mate. With all the reminders of Levi surrounding him, such as the scent, feel, and sight of his mate, even if he did get aroused, Eren doubted anything he could do to himself would come close to anything Levi did with him.

Sex with Levi wasn't just physical. It was a tangible way to cement their bond and express their love. That was why it was called lovemaking... most of the time. Just earlier that month they had spent multiple evenings going at it even though he wasn't in heat. Going from that to a complete halt was unexpected and worrisome.

And so after a long discussion with Armin, who reiterated multiple times that he was just worrying too much and supported all of Levi's claims of being in the office and having meetings early in the morning, Eren figured the best thing to do was take his best friend's eventual, albeit reluctant, suggestion of seducing his own husband. Admittedly, there wasn't much resistance on his end. The omega was pent up and sexually frustrated. Seeing and feeling his husband's hard body, but not being able to do much more than that was torture.

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