Decisions and Uncertainty

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The rest of summer was a blur for Eren. Between his friends' over-protectiveness – Mikasa still hadn't completely forgiven Levi, summer school, and well, Levi, he had been too busy to think about much else. They were much closer to each other than they were before the whole debacle back in July, but neither of them had really talked about the future.

Eren glanced back down at the parent-teacher meeting form and grimaced.

Back when his parents were alive, graduation was still quite a ways away, so they hadn't really discussed it in any detail. His father had joked a few times about following in his footsteps, while his mother had encouraged him to pursue something that would make him happy. He briefly considered the medical route like his father, but he hated studying and the thought of dissecting humans and seeing so much blood made him lose his appetite.

Most of his classmates already knew or had some idea of what they wanted to do. One wanted to be a pilot, another join the army. Mikasa and Armin, of course, had their plans. Throwing his back against the sofa, he sighed. Was he the only one that had no clue what he wanted to do yet?

Hearing the door slam shut, a sudden burst of inspiration hit him. Surely, Levi or some of his workplace colleagues would have some advice?

Levi felt a pang of anxiety at leaving Eren at his Survey Corps office at the mercy of those people who were all certifiably insane to a certain degree. Heck, anyone in the profession was crazy and should be looked at or better yet locked up in a psych ward for narcissism, psychopathy, or histrionics, or a combination of the three. Some, like Petra were better, and Hange was an extreme case of just crazy, but he still felt a slight shiver at leaving his omega in front of those wolves.

They all knew he was mated; omegas could tell by the change in his scent, signaling him as being bonded. Same with alphas when it came to Eren's scent. Evolutionarily, it made sense to have such a marker that highlighted if an individual wasn't a threat and looking for a mate. But sometimes, in this modern day and age, it made Levi uneasy that all facets of his life could be so openly known by others regardless of whether he wanted it or not. Especially since when they had first mated, it had been raw physical attraction, and sex of course. Poor Eren was probably going to get grilled over the roasting pit about everything, including their sex life, courtesy of Hange who had no social filter whatsoever. The lunatic knew about social etiquette and could obey by those standards if necessary (that was a big if), but disregarded it for ninety-nine percent of the interactions they had.

But bringing him here was probably the best choice. They were all brilliant people who had gone through and graduated university or college, and quite a few of them, like him and Eren, hadn't had the easiest time growing up. When the seventeen year old had posed the question about deciding one's life trajectory after high school, Levi didn't know what to say.

His own choice had been precipitated by two main factors: one, a fervent desire to become independent and wealthy as soon as possible, such that he could leave his unsavory past and uncle behind; and two, the fact that he was able to attend university cost-free due to his academic record, in spite of being a few years younger than usual. It wasn't until later when Erwin had suggested law, with a focus on corporate law, that he discovered an uncanny knack for it. The salary was great, and he really didn't mind the grueling hours; it wasn't like he had much going for him before Eren came along.

Things were a bit different for his mate, however. First and foremost, money was not a concern. Levi knew that Eren's parent's wealth had been put in a trust for the youth, and he himself was more than willing to make sure his mate had all he needed; being paid ludicrous amounts had to be worth something after all. Second, Eren had stated he wasn't too sure what to do, and Levi didn't want to force him into anything.

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