Kitchen Mayhem [Domesticity 3]

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Eren looked down to see the massive splotches of red wine that covered him when the bottle burst. Wringing his hands at the mess that covered him, he shucked his shirt and pants off and threw them to the side. They would need to be soaked and go into the wash immediately afterwards. This wasn't the time for it, though. Levi would be getting back soon and he was already running behind on cooking dinner. Figuring it would be too much of a hassle to change, he simply threw on an apron and began to reduce the liquid in the pan.

A few minutes later, Eren could hear the quiet hum of the garage door opening, a car door being slammed, and the garage closing again.


"In the kitchen!"

"K. I'm going to go change first."

Grabbing a spoon, Eren hastily tested the reduction, making sure not to burn himself in the process. Despite the small setback, it was coming along quite nicely now. He'd never made it with sparkling wine before, but it was the only bottle of red they had in the entire house unfortunately. A sigh of relief escaped at the thought that things were back on track.

He had gotten home early enough that he should have had sufficient time to complete everything, but things just didn't turn out that way. They had forgotten to sharpen the knives for a while, and there was no time now to soak the stone or sharpen the knives, which meant trimming the lamb took an extra few minutes. Then, after the lamb leg was all trussed up and seasoned and ready to go into the oven, he realized that he had completely forgotten to preheat it. Then he had almost cut himself when prepping the asparagus. There hadn't been a problem with the salad or vinaigrette, but of course his tear ducts had begun leaking when slicing the shallots, the dull blade tearing them instead of slicing cleanly.

The lack of red wine and the bottle explosion had been the cherry on top of the day's disastrous dinner prep. In a sense, Eren was thankful that most of it had ended up on his clothing or the countertop, otherwise he would have had to wipe down the floor to avoid slipping or stains.

Stirring the shallots and reduction around, he put on the oven gloves and went to cut a small piece of the rosemary seasoned lamb leg sitting on the stove. Perfect.

Things had gotten pretty hectic lately. In the last few weeks, they rarely had time to eat dinner together. It wasn't that they didn't want to, but between their jobs, his increasing projects and Levi's additional overtime hours, they barely saw each other lately. It was finally the end of yet another busy week and the omega was getting sick of not having Levi around. Today was a rare opportunity, given how they hadn't eaten together since Sunday. He missed his dark-haired alpha, and hearing the simple domesticity of their idle banter warmed Eren's heart.

"Mmm... something smells good."

Soft padded footsteps came closer. He squirmed as arms wrapped around him, and Levi pressed in for a kiss. Eren gasped as his husband grew more aggressive, hands roaming over his body, mouth eagerly attacking his. When they finally pulled apart, he was breathing heavily, staring back into those dark swirling eyes. Levi licked his tongue, trailing up to his ear, whispering. "And something looks even more delicious."

"Hah..." Trembling, his hand knocked against the handle of the saucepan, reminding Eren of the open flame and food still simmering behind him. He whirled around, partially freeing himself from his husband's arms. "Damn it, Levi! I'm making dinner right now!"

"What, no welcome home for your husband? Especially since you're dressed like this." A hand cupped his bottom through the thin fabric, squeezing and kneading both cheeks.

"It's just an apron, and stop touching me."

"Just an apron? You look like a wife waiting for her husband to come home and fuck her."

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