Just Perfect [Parenthood 1]

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Tying the sash of his robe, Eren grimaced at the sight of his protruding belly. It would only get bigger from now until the nine months were up and the omega let out a heavy sigh.

All throughout the day he'd felt the eyes of strangers staring at him, wondering why such a young man was carrying a child. Either that or they thought he had a beer belly. Neither option was particularly pleasant to think about. Even though he was already twenty-five, the omega still retained that youthful appearance the horse face constantly teased him about. It sometimes made things kinkier with the roleplaying and other naughty things he and Levi did. But at times like this, Eren wished he looked more suitably mature for his mate.

Hearing the soft padding footsteps of his husband of almost two years and mate for much longer, Eren turned around and grimaced. Hand placed on his belly, Eren massaged the noticeable bump.

"I'm so fat now. None of my clothes fit."

It was true. Even the baggiest outfits he owned, like the casual Japanese robe he was currently wearing, couldn't hide his rounded belly even though they were designed to hide most lines, not enhance them. They had gotten the robe on their trip to the Orient and had, of course, celebrated with sex in said garment in the hotel room. When Levi had first bought it, it was well fitting and a bit loose around his legs, and the style made it easy to adjust for a little weight gain around his middle. But now, the silky black fabric etched with green and blue waves was barely able to wrap around his stomach.

Prior to the food poisoning scare and his first visit to the doctor, Eren had already suspected he was gaining a little pudge around his core, but he hadn't known it was due to his pregnancy. Now, a few weeks later the bump had grown to the size of a small beer belly. At least the nausea had faded for the most part. That had been horrible.

But the other changes the doctor had warned him about, like the changes in mood and fat deposits, had begun. They had told him it was natural and that he was an ideal age and in the best physical shape possible for a male pregnancy, so they weren't very worried about his health. The ongoing changes in his body were needed ensure a healthy birth, but it didn't mean Eren was very happy about everything. Even Levi had mentioned his ass was becoming fat. More specifically, the alpha had said it felt softer, but to the omega that still implied he was getting fat.

"Stop worrying, brat." Levi said wrapping his arms around his mate's waist, pressing a chaste kiss to Eren's cheek. "You're just pregnant."

"But I'm not supposed to be this big two months into my second trimester. Everyone was giving me these weird looks earlier."

The way Eren pouted with that little moue could only be described as... well... cute. Levi wanted to bite that protruding lip, but contented himself with nuzzling his lover's neck instead.

"They're just jealous that they weren't the one to make you like this. You have no fucking clue how gorgeous you are, glowing happily with our baby inside you."

Even after all these years, he wasn't used to Levi using such sappy terms on him. Heck, if Eren hadn't heard it from the man himself, he might not have believed the alpha could be so affectionate. The man still swore with a vengeance and had his crazy high cleaning standards, but when they were out in public, he would find his husband holding the doors open and rubbing his back occasionally. Worrying about the nutritional balance of his every meal and dancing attendance to him in a way Eren had never seen Levi do to anyone. His husband even offered to go shopping for things to baby-proof the nursery and other odds and ends for their child; that was saying something since Levi hated crowds.

Any text or call Eren made was answered within moments, and if not, his husband would always call back with a tinge of urgency, almost bordering on panic at times. It was sweet, and he would admit in the recesses of his mind, it caused him to contact his mate more than necessary for even the most nonsensical things. Or sometimes just to hear Levi's voice in his ear.

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