One Ackerman two many [University 7]

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"I can't believe you're still with that midget... he's too old for you, Eren."

Eren sighed as Mikasa grumbled to him. After almost two years since Mikasa's first confrontation with Levi, they still had not resolved their differences. The topic of his relationship had long since become an old sore spot between them. He sipped at his coffee, trying to ignore the coil of anger that was quickly becoming unraveled. Mikasa was still great to be around, but whenever she brought up Levi and their unsuitability, it just pissed him off.

"'Kas... just stop, please."

Today was supposed to be just a nice outing between Mikasa, Armin, and himself before the new school semester started. They had barely met up over the summer and August was ending fast and they hadn't seen each other much. In the past few weeks he had spent more time with Levi's colleagues than his own friends, though that was bound to change in a week or so.

Armin was running a little late due to traffic, so he and Mikasa had decided to meet up at the usual time to grab seats. It was rare for him to be on time – Levi had berated him on it multiple times – but he reckoned it would be nice to talk to Mikasa by herself as well. However, Eren certainly had not expected to suddenly delve into a one-on-one heart-to-heart chat about his relationship.

He did not need or want to and it was starting to drive him nuts. Not only was it unwarranted, it was his relationship not hers. He didn't butt into her life choices and although her intentions were good, he wasn't a five-year-old incapable of knowing right from wrong. Moreover, the subject still made him feel uncomfortable at times, given all that had happened this summer. The last thing he wanted was to be dragged out to another physical confrontation between Mikasa and Levi, which might have been part of why he hadn't really told her the full story.

"But Eren, remember what he said to you?"

He doubted he would ever forget that first argument they had, when he had stormed out, devastated by what Levi had said in the heat of the moment. That dispute was the exact same reason why things were slowly getting better between them now. They still weren't on the same wavelength, but the issue of their mating was bound to emerge sooner or later. Things were really awkward back then and he had been walking on eggshells after that. Once the giant elephant in the room was flushed out – not that it had been killed off altogether – it made it easier for them to communicate with one another with less reservation.

Levi's communication skills were still subpar and there were multiple occasions when he felt a fervent need to slap some sense into the dark-haired alpha. Even after everything, the man didn't talk much, but at least he answered most questions posed to him. They still had their disagreements, and Eren had even avoided going back for a few hours one Saturday afternoon just to vent, but all couples probably did that. Levi probably felt the same about him at times. He had been called stubborn too many times while growing up.

"Yeah, but we've moved passed them now. For the most part, I like how the things are." Thinking back to Levi's grouchy mood this and the last morning, he shrugged. "Well most of the times."

Eren still wished the alpha would open up to him and be able to talk nonsense in the same way he, Mikasa, and Armin did. Aside from the sex and whole mate thing, Eren felt his relationship with Levi had improved to the level of friendly roommates were. They lived together, ate at the same table, but they had their own separate lives. Perhaps it was due to the large number of years apart, but sometimes Levi was practically speaking a different language to him. All in all, however, Eren was more comfortable with how things were now than back in June.

"He hasn't been forcing you to do anything, has he, Eren?"

"Uhhh... no?" Eren hated the flush that warmed his cheeks. The hesitance in his voice also betrayed him as her narrowed. He felt like an organism under microscopic scrutiny.

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