Springtime Vows [Marriage 6]

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"Levi, stop fidgeting with your cravat." Erwin rolled his eyes at how anxious his friend was becoming. Any groom would be equally hard pressed to remain calm on their wedding day, and Levi was no exception. The dark-haired friend had checked his appearance, finding imaginary wrinkles and correcting them so many times, the blonde was getting a headache just watching him. There was nothing wrong with how it looked; it was a matter of nerves. "It's fine."

"Shut up, Eyebrows. It needs to be perfect." Nimble hands were untying and retying the crisp folds. "Maybe I should have just gotten a bow..."

"It's not your first time wearing one, Levi. I'm sure Eren has seen you wear one before."

Erwin knew it definitely was the case that the brunette omega had seen Levi wear a cravat before. The blonde wasn't sure where his friend had picked up the habit from, but it suited the shorter alpha's eccentricities. The neckpiece lent an air of added authority during meetings with new clients, especially under circumstances in which a client underestimated Levi. The other added bonus, Erwin smirked to himself, was that it had a higher collar than normal ties and was useful for hiding any marks on Levi's lower neck.

"And we don't have much time before –" The door swung open and Hange returned before Erwin could finish his statement.

"Come on, grumpy! We have a wedding to get to!"

No one could have asked for a better time or day for the quaint little ceremony being held outside that Saturday. The sun wasn't too high overhead, so it wasn't yet scorching hot, and instead, it was warm and sunny outside. The wisteria blooms on the arch overhead swayed gently in the midmorning breeze.

Mikasa had never seen Eren so nervously happy before. The omega cut a dashing figure in his light grey, almost silvery, tux and waistcoat with a white shirt underneath. No doubt the brunette's choice was inspired by his mate's eye color. Strangely enough, the colors seemed to resonate with the warm tones of Eren's skin more than one would have originally thought.

Beside him, her cousin wore the more traditional white and black. Even though Mikasa was still not on the best of terms with Levi, she could admit that the shorter male alpha was objectively handsome with his black jacket on crisp white shirt paired with an equally white cravat. The neckpiece was a little strange, but she had seen him wear it before and knew that Eren had been looking forward to seeing the older male dressed up.

The mated couple both had a single red rose adorning their outfits which was different from the white ones she, Armin, Hange, and Erwin wore. In the whole time that she had known Eren, she had never seen him so happy. And for what was probably the first time since she had met him, Mikasa could see an equal softening in her cousin's expression as they exchanged their vows. It was the same look of love and adoration she had seen in her own parents' faces when they were still alive.

"Eren, I promise to love you unconditionally and without question. You are my omega, my one and only mate, my better half, and now my husband. No matter where life takes us, through the good times and the bad, I'll trust, cherish, protect, and respect you. In times of hardship, I vow to encourage and support you; in times of sorrow, I vow to comfort you and be by your side; and in times of joy, I vow to smile with you. With this ring, I gladly give you my hand, my heart, and my soul from this moment on, and until forever."

Standing to the side, Mikasa could see the happy smile beginning to spread across Eren's face as Levi slipped the ring onto his finger. Strangely enough, her cousin seemed uncharacteristically nervous reaching into his pocket and taking the omega's hand.

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