Away from You [Work/Life 7]

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Dropping his briefcase onto the nearest chair, Levi quickly stripped all his clothes off and folded them with robotic precision before entering the shower. After all the previous changes with their client Garrison Ltd., the damn CEO had just decided to move their headquarters to Texas. There was still a division in Trost, but for some reason they wanted his expertise and help at the new location. He was used to dealing with Brzenska and Dietrich, not whoever the fuck Rheinberger was. Fucking Pixis and his decision to uproot and move their headquarters elsewhere.

Honestly, Levi just wanted to go back home. It had been a long day after several equally grueling days of dealing with those stubborn fools with their face stuck in their asses. More than once, the alpha had been tempted to tell them to go fuck themselves and just fly back to Trost. Having to sleep in some random hotel for forty-eight hours longer than he had originally intended, sucked balls.

The extended stay also meant that the alpha didn't have enough clean shirts packed for the trip. But dry cleaning left a nasty starchy feel on his clothes, and there wasn't a laundry machine in the hotel, so he couldn't get his own things cleaned either. It was only a five-minute walk to Garrison Ltd., but the heat meant it was a sweaty five minutes. Thank god the shower was adequately clean for him to get all that shit off his skin. That was the only good thing about the room; Levi couldn't care less about the view or giant-ass television.

Worse, he had run out of tea leaves. On trips like these, whenever possible he brought his own leaves because the complimentary bags sucked. Unfortunately, the alpha had not prepared to be away for so long and he had run out of his favorite beverage. The hotel restaurant had an okay substitute, but it was nowhere as good as the stuff Eren made. It meant he couldn't even unwind with his usual black tea at the end of a fucking terrible day, resulting in the alpha being in an even worse mood the next morning.

Exiting the shower, he heard his phone vibrating. Picking it up and making sure it wasn't work calling, Levi saw there were two missed calls besides the current incoming one from home. Pressing reply, he turned on the speaker phone and began drying off his hair.



"Everything good? I just saw your missed calls."

Although he had been gone for almost a week already, they were only able to chat every other day or so. Between his busy schedule, Eren's work, and the one hour time difference, the alpha hadn't had that much time to talk. They would speak on the phone for important things, but they usually texted when it came to trivial matters. Most days the omega would text him good morning and such, and Levi would do the same. The missed calls worried him a little, but there was a chance it was just because he hadn't responded. Normally if he couldn't pick up the phone, he'd text and let his mate know.

"Yeah... umm... how is work?"

"Same old. Dealing with annoying pieces of shit who think they're on top of the world. What about you?"

"Why don't you find a new job then? Somewhere closer to home?" There was a plaintive whine in Eren's voice. "And I'm okay. Just miss you, Levi. The apartment feels too empty without you."

"Tch, I would if there was anything better. I'm not always on trips. Only every few months, and it's usually just for a few days. Maybe you can come with me on the next one if you have a few extra vacation days and we can spend some time touring the city." That wouldn't be too difficult to wrangle with how hard Erwin worked him on these damn business trips. The least the blonde could do was to give him an extra day or two to relax. Of course, the other option would be to just work more slowly and take time off while whoever the hell he was consulting for figured their shit out.

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