Sugar Baby [University 8]

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Krista heard her phone ring and after seeing who it was, she hastily shut it off. It was the third time this week that man had called. Hadn't she already refused? They were the ones that hadn't wanted an omega to take over the company, but apparently she was their only option now that her cousins had gotten into some stupid gang war and had ended up either dead or incarcerated. Krista couldn't say it was surprising that he had gotten her number, but it still annoyed her when he called her Historia." She had already forsaken that name and went by "Krista Lenz" now, but for some reason, he just wouldn't stop bothering her.

"Hey Krista, you okay?"

She turned and masked the bitterness as she smiled at the green-eyed brunette. Eren and her had become close friends over the last few months, especially when he had helped her deal with being the notion of being mated. Since he was already mated, it made it easier for her to talk to him about things like her trepidation towards being tied to an overbearing alpha. Take the one she was dating right now – Ymir – who was great most of the times, but Krista didn't really like the feeling of being restricted or tied down.

Krista had complained to him on more than one occasion about how frustrating it was that Ymir hung around her nearly twenty-four seven. Her childhood already made things difficult – it was a tame way of putting it – for her to talk to people. Add a bloodhound and sometimes all she wanted was to be left alone or hang out with someone that wasn't Ymir. In some ways she could understand that it was because they were simply dating and the mating bond hadn't been completed yet. But still, she wished her girlfriend would give her a little more breathing room.

At least Eren didn't have to also go to school with his alpha. Her friend frequently mentioned things about his mate, such as how he was sometimes too protective, or that he couldn't read his mate's mind most of the time. During the party Eren threw, she had seen one or two – there weren't many – photos of the dark-haired alpha. He was surprisingly short and looked vaguely annoyed in all the pictures. It made her wonder why Eren was with the male, but it wasn't like she could judge his choice. But all in all, to her eyes and ears, he seemed fairly happy about it, which relieved her fears of ending up like her mother immensely.

"Yeah, just some family stuff."

"You sure? I'm free if you want to talk about it."

A small furrow appeared on his brow and Krista internally debated whether it was a good choice to confide in him about this particular issue. Eren was like a bull at times, too stubborn for both their sakes, and she really wanted someone to just listen. Ymir was too emotional at times and the few times Krista had brought up that man, her girlfriend had threatened to kill him several times.

"Yeah, it's just my dad wanting me to come home."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Krista could see the confusion in his eyes, but he didn't know the whole of it. Her mother had been a secretary for her father – Rod Reiss – and she was the product of a love affair gone wrong. As a child, she would frequently come home to find her mother drunk and raving about how she regretted giving birth to a daughter who ruined her life. One day out of the blue, Krista had come home from school and found her mother on the ground, dead from alcohol poisoning. In retrospect, it wasn't really surprising for her mother to end up like that. It was difficult to know whether she was more relieved or in grief about it; they were never close. Unfortunately, because of her mom's death, Krista ended up in the foster system, which was when that man located her.

She didn't know who she despised worse – her mother for being weak and giving into the bottle or her father for abandoning them. The man hadn't even show up for her mother's funeral. Krista had met her father's side of the family once before high school, and hated it. The way they – her cousins and half-siblings – behaved, bandying dirty jokes about her omega status, drinking and smoking, disgusted her. It didn't surprise her that they had gotten themselves tangled up with some unsavory people. Krista could smell the tobacco and weed on their clothes even though they had basically been her age. She turned her back on the last name "Reiss" and never looked back after that.

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