Vegas [University 13]

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Fingering the documents impatiently, Levi sat back and feigned interest in the whole thing. He couldn't wait until it was over. Zackly, the direction and CEO, liked having these weird ass monthly meetings and Erwin always dragged him along. The company itself was still fairly small. The legal division – which was what they were known for – comprised maybe a hundred people under Erwin's command. The rest of Survey Corps was in human resources and the administrative bullshit Levi didn't give a flying fuck about. These meetings were designed to help make sure everything was in place to support the legal team.

He had no clue why the fuck he was here. His specialties were things like corporate malfeasance and other tough to crack cases, not some 'let's restructure the fucking company' bullshit. As long as he was paid and things worked out, he was satisfied.

A flash of blue light on his phone caught his attention. Seeing the screen light up wasn't all that unusual given it was synced to his email, but Levi was surprised to see it was Eren's best friend. It had been barely two days since they left on their graduation trip to Vegas. His mate had phoned him last night, extremely horny and drunk, so there was a sinking sensation in his gut.

The brat had left yesterday with the rest of his friends to celebrate the end of exams with his friends in Vegas, now that they were all legal and some were graduating. The alpha wasn't as worried about Eren doing anything that inappropriate while he was gone; Mikasa and Armin had gone as well, and they would keep him in line for the most part.

No, the thing that had his stomach tied up in knots was knowing that Eren would be going into his heat any day soon. The brat had insisted on going and that everything was fine. It was the only time that all his friends were free and the tickets were already booked. Levi sincerely hoped that was the case, since there had not been any need to get suppressants; they used the natural way to assuage Eren's heats instead. Those had been some intense romps between the sheets. Levi could count the odd number times that he would come home find his mate in pain, naked and masturbating, unable to find relief. But that was in the recesses of their apartment, where he could easily get to.

However, that was not the case right now. The brat was at least a few hours away by plane and the scent emitted by a receptive omega could easily make even the most well-intentioned alpha want to rut him. Levi would kill any and every one before that happened. No one but him was going to get a piece of Eren's ass without going through him first.

Levi knew from firsthand experience that an omega's mate was best at detecting the early onset of their mate's heat, but when the heat itself began, both unmated and mated alphas would respond. An unmated alpha being exposed to a heat was similar to being intoxicated with physical lust to the point of irrationality. One didn't become an animal per say, but it was hard to keep one's own mind from devolving into something primal and animalistic, driven by a fervent burning need to mate and rut.

Things were slightly different after being mated. Yes, Levi was still affected and could smell who went into heat, but it was much easier to tear his thought away from it. Moreover, he preferred his brat's clean floral and orange scent tinged with spice and was disgusted by the scents of others. He couldn't wait until Eren was back in the apartment with him.

Knowing that Arlert would never phone him unless it was urgent and involved Eren, he bowed his apologies and exited the room. Knitting his dark brows in irritation, Levi hit the respond button hoping it wasn't what he feared.

"What? This better be important."


He almost had the wind knocked out of him as Eren hurtled towards him at full speed. If Levi wasn't used to Hange's attempted hugs or had slower reflexes, he would have found himself tackled to the ground. The omega had charged at him like a bloodhound on the scent.

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