Corporate Daycare [Parenthood 4]

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"Ooh, hello darling. How old are you, precious?"

"Your mommy tells me you're six-months-old. Is that true?"

He could hear the sounds as Carla blew nasty spit bubbles into her hands and onto everyone around her. It was Nanaba, Petra, and Hange who were playing with Carla, and they probably found it was funny or cute or adorable or some other bullshit. To him, it was just gross. Fucking unsanitary as well, given how many germs were lingering around them.

Eren had dragged Isabel off somewhere since she was crying again, leaving him and Carla at the mercy of the horde, watching as his younger daughter was shunted from person to person. Those not fawning over her were teasing him mercilessly or snapping pictures. This wasn't a fucking circus, but it sure felt like it with the number of spectators. She wasn't a toy; she was a living person, albeit miniature, mentally incapable of most human behaviors like speech, and hadn't learned the concept of cleanliness yet. It was like none of them had ever seen a baby before, but he sure as hell knew that wasn't the case.

"Look at those adorable little cheeks."

"Who's the cutest baby? You are, yes you are."

Watching his friends, Levi didn't get why people found it so amusing to preen and coo over someone else's kids. They were the same as any other brats. Smelly bundles of trouble that would eventually grow up into equally troublesome adults, like the ones surrounding him right now.

He wasn't even sure how his twin daughters ended up at Survey Corps. Eren had dropped by with the kids and his lunch, which set off a chain reaction that ultimately led to things spiraling out of hand. Everyone had dropped their work – damn them – to mind something that wasn't their fucking business. The alpha couldn't believe they were paid to be irritating assholes. Lunch break had ended already and they were back on the clock. Thankfully there weren't any meetings or important clients coming in; Levi would never leave either of his children here by themselves until they had at least come of age. There were just too many frightening scenarios to consider.

Levi wanted to get back to work, so he could go home and enjoy his time with Eren, but he sure as hell didn't trust any of his colleagues to look after either of his children. Especially Hange and all the experiments they wanted to perform. The rest of them didn't look too innocent either as they took turns holding her. Petra looked like she wanted to abscond with his daughter, and the rest of them were just as bad. Who knew what kind of evil things they were thinking in the recesses of their minds, and would do to his poor innocent daughter if he was not present?

Like sniffing her.

"Stop smelling her like an animal, Mike!" That man was a fucking pedophile and should be locked up for smelling her like that.

Levi lunged, trying to rescue his daughter from the giant, but Petra – yes the petite redhead who was currently five months pregnant with her own brat – stopped him. He could easily muscle past her, but Erwin had been with them a few minutes ago fussing over his wife until the phone rang. The blonde was probably staring at them from the corner of his office making sure nothing happened to his mate and child.

"But look, she likes it Levi." Refraining from breaking anyone's limbs, let alone one whose mate knew where he lived, Levi growled, watching as Carla giggled back at the blonde face. His daughter grabbed at the ends of Mike's craggy moustache.

"Ouch, that looks painful."

Levi hid a dark smile as his daughter tugged down on the handful of hairs and the man winced. Although she was the younger of the twins, Carla had inherited his strength and it showed as she gurgled happily, pulling harder on Mike's beard. He would not forgive the man for sniffing his baby girl. Levi automatically tacked his colleague's name onto the mental blacklist of people he didn't want around his daughters until she was at least eighteen. Maybe more like thirty. There was something suspicious about a man who went around smelling people. God knows what kind of weird thrill it gave Mike or the other perverted things the giant blonde did.

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