Captain [Parenthood 6]

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"Daddy! Kitty! Can we keep it?"

Levi looked in the direction his daughter was pointing and spotted the dirty furball sleeping in a cardboard box. Written on one of the flaps in blocky black ink were the words "ADOPT ME." Thankfully, his daughters were too young to read and comprehend what adopt meant, so he wouldn't need to deal with their begging about it being abandoned.

"No. Now let's go home."

"But daddy... Sara has a puppy. Why can't we get a kitty?"

"Yes daddy, can we? Pretty please... Izzy and I will take care of it."

Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. It was surprising how fast the brats had grown. When they were first born, they were red-faced ugly humanoid beings, each smaller than a pillow and weighing less than eight pounds, but after three years they were walking, talking, and expressing their individuality. The alpha had known it was bound to happen given who their parents were – it was too good to ask for none of Eren's stubbornness to be passed on – and of course, his mate spoiled their kids rotten.

Isabel was pleading at him with her bright green eyes that looked so much like Eren's. Her fraternal twin stood next to her, an equally bright pair of eyes looking at him, quietly waiting for his answer. He knew they were going to bring it up one day or another, given how reluctant they had been to leave Erwin's place and that new dog they got. Fucking Eyebrows.

"No. We are not going to get a kitten, especially one that's been abandoned on the side of the road." As sympathetic as he might have felt towards the furball's plight, there was no telling what myriad of germs and diseases it had picked up. Even if he agreed to them owning a pet – which he didn't – his daughters were incapable of taking care of one. They'd probably feed it Play-Doh or whatever the fuck it was they played with, which would obviously cause it to choke or seize or something shitty, and he would have to drive the damned thing to the vet to get it out. As if their lives wasn't already crazy enough with two supercharged and hyperactive twins – a trait they got from Eren – Farlan was not even six months old and adding a cat on top of that would just create more stress.

"But daddy..."

"No means no."


Sighing deeply, Levi was mildly surprised at how simple it had been for his daughters to acquiesce. But a win was a win, especially with kids as stubborn as his husband. He only hoped they wouldn't beg Eren to try and rope him into taking a pet on. The outcome could very well be different if that were the case.

He should have known better.

The alpha had been doing some paperwork at his desk, but the moment he heard muted giggles and shushed whispers, Levi knew it couldn't be anything good. His suspicions were confirmed when he spied a suspiciously familiar cardboard box in the middle of his living room and Isabel and Carla running down the stairs with an extra baby blanket and toys in their hands. Their daughters were much too entranced with the creature in the box to notice him entering the room. Eren was the first one to notice him.

"Levi, come see what Isabel and Carla found on our walk."

Found? Levi scoffed at the thought. His daughters had definitely not found the thing currently rearing its ugly mug out of the box. The alpha should have known something as a simple refusal wouldn't stop Eren's kids from indulging in their stubbornness. And his mate had only abetted them in bringing the filthy furball home with them.

"Tch, it needs to go."

His twin daughters chose that exact moment to cut in and plead with him. The filthy thing was covered in a pink blanket and he could see the brownish, grayish patches of dirt that were getting on it just from the thing moving around. Levi's hands itched to grab the box and chuck it out into the ravine, far away from him and his family. Filthy didn't even begin to cover what it looked like.

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