Epilogue Pt 3: Dreams

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The wind whished passed his face as he felt his body fly through the woods. He dumbly noticed the swords he carried in each hand and the strange green robe on his back. It felt right and was oddly familiar.

In the distance, he saw these two giants – no, titans – fighting each other and he somehow knew that one of them, the one with shaggy shoulder-length hair, was Eren. A burst of anger filled him as his mate was punched in the face and collapsed to the ground. Immediately, he launched himself in the air, spiraling and slicing at the other titan's neck, severing the vertebrae immediately. He didn't even need to think about where to strike or how to use the blades, the actions were ingrained like they had been practiced over and over again.

A familiar sensation of steaming heat engulfed him as the stench of iron and sweat filled his nose.


Wiping off his blades, he turned around to see another member of his team, who looked extremely similar to Eren's blonde friend, salute.

"The area is secure, sir. There's no trace of them."

Before he knew it, he found himself catapulting onto the back of Eren's titan form to slice his neck and take the brat out. The teen had to be pulled out, and he quickly beckoned for a medic. Strange marks were below the boy's eyes, and he wanted to shout and ask if Eren was okay, but found his tongue sealed shut.

The scene switched to one in a dark, damp cell that he recognized. The brunette lay on the thin cot that couldn't even be considered a bed, sleeping. Hange had told him that the boy was exhausted and merely worn out. Erwin had told him earlier that day that the council wanted to reconvene to assess the situation given that the boy's progress wasn't as far along as they had originally claimed.

He wanted to abduct Eren and leave the damned city and all its walls behind, but it wasn't safe outside. It wasn't safe here either for the shifter. Although he had been pardoned, he was still constantly being monitored by the military. Eren was so young, only fifteen and he already had the burden of the world on his shoulders. A world that was on the verge of collapse, given how little thought the higher-ups gave to their mission, seeking only their own contentment and frivolity.

Running a hand through the messy clump of hair, he felt the brunette stir.


Being addressed by his title disheartened him. Eren had been so pure and innocent, until those monsters had attacked Shinganshina. Now, the boy's thoughts were consumed by rage, revenge, thirsting for the death of the titans. He found himself wishing for a time when Eren could live in peace. His life had been damned shitty to begin with, given all that shit in the Underground, but the boy had gotten sucked into a world he didn't belong.

As much as he hated to admit it, he didn't believe it was possible to end the fight in their lifetime. There were just too many of them out there. They would be trapped in those cold, walls that offered protection against the outside, but also imprisoned them from a land full of opportunities and freedom.

The scene changed again, and he found himself standing next to the body of a dead comrade, his eyes dry. Dark green cloaks and battered bodies were strewn all around. He saw Eren kneeling and crying as he clutched a slim pale hand. A recognizable mop of dull red hair was next to it.

It switched again, this time to a medical lab. And again, but this time he was standing in front of a strangely familiar blonde talking about some scouting mission. And once more, to a scene in a decrepit stone structure of sorts. There was no rhyme or reason to how the scenes changed, but they did. He barely remembered what the next few were, but they were all foreign to him, and yet each experience seemed tinged with a strange aching sense of nostalgia. It was like he was seeing memories and experiences that had happened in a different time and place, but with most of the same people. He wasn't sure how to interpret it.

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