Hawaiian Sunset [Marriage 9]

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Eren still didn't know how he did it, but somehow he managed to convince Levi that it would be a good idea to spend two weeks basking in the sun as part of their whirlwind around the globe honeymoon. Well partially around the globe, but they had still visited three continents.

Maybe it was the fact that the alpha just wanted to escape from his nosy coworkers. Or perhaps it was the fact that Hange had teased him for not catering to Eren's needs.

But somehow, here they were. At a beachside resort in Manele Bay, Hawaii.

Stretching his toes in the white sand, he was slightly annoyed at his husband's lack of enthusiasm. Although it wasn't as busy as some of the other vacations spots, in part due to how expensive it was compared to other places, there were still too many people here by Levi's standards.

After their time in Japan, they had gone to Australia after a short weekend stopover in Singapore. The omega had heard fun things about Singapore from some university friends, but it hadn't been much fun at all for him and Levi. They weren't really able to sightsee much, since their only reason for stopping over was because his heat had started. However, given the number of disapproving glances they received, maybe it was better that way. The island nation wasn't on their original itinerary, but when they realized Eren was just hours from going into heat and would've done so on the plane, they made a last-minute decision to disembark at their layover between Japan and Australia.

In Singapore, unfortunately, homosexual relations were illegal, or at least as illegal as they could be without violating human rights. Prohibiting the mating of an alpha and an omega on the basis of gender, and discrimination against said individuals was outlawed under international law, but that had not prevented people from judging them or saying uncomfortable things. Levi had mentioned that there were rumors that the government banned citizens from indulging in homosexual activities, and anyone found would be punished under the penal code. The alpha had further cited articles he read back when he had taken a course on international law and human rights, but those were few and far between. Because they were American citizens it was impossible for the police to charge them with any crime on grounds of their mated and married status, but that did not mean they escaped scot-free either.

Any public displays of affection immediately drew negative attention. The alpha hadn't really cared what others thought, donning his typical nonchalant expression, but it had hit Eren harder than he originally imagined. Maybe it was the fact that he was newly married and there were suddenly people disapproving of it. The environment had been a lot more uncomfortable than one would have thought. When they first went through customs with their passports and wedding rings, the customs agent had looked at them with disgust. And even if the alpha wasn't big on hugging or holding hands – Eren knew that Levi wasn't ignoring him on purpose, but trying to avoid drawing more attention – it still stung. His husband had made up for the deficit by pampering him back in their hotel room. Levi had even mentioned the possibility of taking legal action on the international stage if it came to a worst-case scenario, but thankfully it hadn't come to that in the short time they were there.

Australia was a welcoming relief in comparison to their unpleasant detour in Singapore. They took it easy the first half-day, but it was impossible to just lie around in the land of koalas and kangaroos. That afternoon they had gone scuba diving among the fishes and coral reefs. Seeing the magnificent colors underwater had been amazing and Eren had even gotten the chance to pet a dolphin! The next day was filled with parasailing and water skiing. Levi had been uncharacteristically excited about the opportunity, and the omega could see why. There was an intense adrenaline rush a person got from feeling the wind rush by. His mate had, however, complained about salt water smelling awful afterwards.

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