Married Life [Domesticity 1]

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Blinking at the shaft of light piercing through the blinds which woke him, Eren shifted slightly hearing a faint grunt. Reluctantly peeling his eyes open, he looked up to see that it was almost time to get up.

"Ugh, it's too early." The omega groaned as he looked at the blinking red LED lights. Normally, the omega would never wake up at six in the morning, but unfortunately fate had other plans for him. They had a site visit for a client all the way on the other side of the city, meaning that he had to be up an extra hour earlier to get there on time during rush hour.

"I wanna sleep longer..." Rolling around, he covered his eyes with his arm. Eren wanted to continue sleeping and doze off, but it wasn't possible.

"Didn't you need to go to the east side today?" Levi had woken up a few minutes before the alarm sounded, lying in bed and watching Eren take even breaths. His mate's sleeping face was so peaceful that he hated disturbing the omega. Normally he would have loved to caress the younger male's smooth skin and kiss Eren awake, but the brunette was going to need every minute of sleep he could get. So instead, he watched as the brat squirmed slowly to wakefulness.

"Ugh, don't remind me." As much as he hated it, the man had a point. Reluctantly, Eren flung the covers away and sat up to change into work clothes and ready himself for the day.

After dealing with all the teasing about how eager Levi had been to hoist him off for their wedding night and their long honeymoon, Eren realized that life after marriage wasn't that different from how things were before the wedding. Things were gradually calming down now as they adjusted back into the normal flow of working on the weekdays. Their weekly schedule had morphed into a routine. Most weekday mornings unless Levi needed to go in earlier than usual, the alpha would take care of breakfast. Dinner would be made by whoever came home earlier, and in the evenings they would just take it easy.

In comparison, the weekends were pretty hectic for both of them. Between catching up on work and meeting up with Armin and Mikasa, Eren had barely a moment to himself. It had been some time since he last met up with his childhood friends, and they had a lot of catching up to do after his wedding. There were a few embarrassing moments and some good-natured teasing as they sat together pouring over the wedding photos taken.

Even though he spent plenty of time with Levi, it was less than what the omega had gotten used to those few weeks during their honeymoon. Returning to normal was definitely nice – he had been starting to miss his friends and their house – but Eren also missed the careless sunny days when they could sleep in as long as they wanted. The sex had been a little much, but those fourteen plus days spent on their honeymoon had been amazing. He was almost certain he had probably gained a pound or two from all the food he consumed, although that was difficult to say since he had probably worked it off with all the love making. Still, the omega wished those times never ended.

The moment he got back and met up with Armin and Mikasa to give them their souvenirs, his cousin-in-law had flooded him with questions. She had been worried that Levi had somehow mistreated him since he wasn't replying much to their messages. Eren knew he hadn't responded every day while he was abroad, but it wasn't like he had gone completely off the map. Aside from those days when he had been in heat, he had posted at least a handful of photos every day or two on the social media and tweeted his experiences. Among the many selfies and food pictures, Eren had also taken a few of Levi and some with both of them together as well. Levi definitely would not appreciate the pictures of him in sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Hange had retweeted it, so Eren knew they had seen it, and it was only a manner of time before the beta teased his mate about it.

Aside from the shiny band on his and Levi's fingers and marriage binding them together, neither of them had changed how they behaved towards one another. At least Eren didn't think they had. During the honeymoon, he had gotten into the habit of joking and addressing his husband with numerous nicknames, but other than small gestures like that things hadn't really changed much between them.

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