Wants and Desires [Work/Life 4.5]

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Eren sighed as he looked up from his laptop and noticed no change in his surroundings. For once, he didn't have to spend his weekend making last minute preparations or preparing an event budget for work. The omega had originally planned to spend his time from the moment he returned home till the moment he had to go back in on Monday with Levi. It didn't have to be anything big, but Eren had envisioned lying in bed and cuddling naked with Levi or snuggling together and watching a movie with his mate. There hadn't been much of that, or anything more, lately, and he felt a little deprived.

But as luck would have it, Levi was the one busy with some legal case or another this time. They still ate most of their meals together, but there hadn't been much opportunity for the idle chitchat and lounging around he had enjoyed frequently back in during his college days.

Eren knew things were busy at work for the older alpha – even Hange's replies had been a little slower as of late – but he still wished Levi would pay a little more attention to him. It was frustrating waiting around hoping his alpha would be finished, but not knowing when exactly. Earlier, Levi had given him a ballpark estimate of early afternoon, but it was nearing four and his mate still showed no signs of stopping.

There was no clear end in sight and at the rate Levi was going – the alpha had barely stopped to take lunch – cooking together wouldn't be a possibility. Weekend dinners were something they performed together. It was the only time they could spend time preparing something fancier, and it was always a delight sneaking kisses and sharing tastes in between the prep. Most days the food wasn't necessarily anything special, but the act of working together and sharing food with his alpha, made it that much more enjoyable. Eren couldn't fault his mate, however, as he had committed the same crime of unloading all cooking responsibility and other a few other household duties onto Levi's shoulders in previous weeks.

Directing his gaze to his computer clock, Eren watched as all three numbers changed. The three grew larger, while the five and nine reverted back to zeros. It certainly could no longer be considered early afternoon.

Raising his arms over and above his head, Eren arched his back and let out a loud yawn. He had spent the entire lazing around and catching up on episodes of Sina Night Live. As humorous as the skits and performances were, it was a little much to watch four or five episodes in one sitting. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, the omega stood up and walked over to the kitchen. After downing a glass of water, Eren realized that he hadn't seen detected Levi's presence at all that afternoon. At the very least, Levi would have come out and made tea or asked him to if he was unable to do so himself.

Glancing at the microwave clock, which read quarter past four, he figured the least he could do was help bring tea to his mate; the alpha had to be swamped to not seek out his favored beverage. Levi had done the same when his nose had been buried in books or work, and it would also allow him to spent a couple of precious seconds with the older male. Levi never turned down tea. Naturally, there was the possibility that the short reprieve would help clear Levi's mind and speed things up.

Humming as he waited for the water to boil, Eren went through the motions of grabbing Levi's favorite teapot and spooning a small heap of leaves. He let the water cool slightly before pouring it in, placing the pot, a cup, and small caddy on a small tray, which he carried with practice ease.

Keeping the tray steady with one hand, he gently turned the handle and pushed the door open – there was no point in waiting for his mate's response unless Levi was on the phone and silence signaled that wasn't the case – rapping on the door gently as he entered. "Levi?"

"Eren?" Levi looked at him, blinking at the sudden interruption. His mate looked tired, a small furrow between his sculpted brows. "Is some – shit, what time is it?" Clarity bloomed as the alpha quickly turned to his computer, presumably to check the time. "Shit, I'm sorry." Levi apologized, running a hand through his hair. "I was supposed to be done, but Shitty Eyebrows called an hour ago and dumped more shit on me."

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