Rainy Day [Domesticity 5]

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"Hey Levi, thanks for coming to pick me up. I had no clue it was going to rain today."

The freak rainstorm had come out of nowhere. Eren had been craving ice cream and there wasn't a need for him to drive given that the nearest convenience store was just a fifteen minute walk away. When he left, ice cream in hand, it was still bright and sunny out and the rain had started up one or two blocks later. The skies were suddenly gray and thundering, rain heavily pouring down on the streets. He had been lucky enough to find shelter at a Starbucks within seconds of the first rain droplet, but there were many others who weren't so lucky. The ice cream had been finished by the time his husband arrived to pick him up.

Eren could have run or walked back home, but Levi would have gotten angry at him for dripping water and making a mess. The first, and last, time he did so, the dark-haired male had chewed him out a new one. Thankfully the apartment floors had been hardwood, so he hadn't had to deal with the whole drying carpet deal. Still, the alpha was a hard taskmaster when it came to cleaning, but Eren understood the concern when it came to leaving water on hardwood surfaces. As a kid he had once left an ice cube on the coffee table where it had melted and caused the oaken surface to warp and form bumpy ridges. Then again, it wasn't just wiping the floors down that Levi required. Before he had met Levi, dumping wet clothes in a hamper and mopping up the drips would have been perfectly fine, but if he did that now, the alpha would have made him to redo all the floors and laundry from dripping water on the ground.

"Meh. Ready to go?" The older male asked nonchalantly, unfolding the dripping umbrella once more. The alpha had folded it up to enter the shop and find his mate, even though there really wasn't any need to.

"Yeah," Ducking his head, Eren immediately sought refuge under the giant black covering once it was up. The weather had calmed down a little, but the rain wasn't anything Eren particularly wanted to brave, especially with nothing to protect his phone, and so he had called his mate.

Levi could have easily driven over, but that would have required cleaning up and wiping down the car when they were home, so this was likely the lesser of two evils. Thankfully, the streets they were on were designed such that rainwater wouldn't collect, otherwise the alpha's shoes would have been soaked.

Hiding under the umbrella with his husband, Eren realized how spacious it was. Typically two people under a normal one would mean that one or both of them would get a shoulder soaked if they were standing side by side. But under this umbrella, he could walk comfortably next to his mate and neither of them was getting soaked. Levi must have made an interesting sight walking over with one of those giant umbrellas that was almost as wide as he was tall. Eren caught his husband shoot him a perplexed glance, clicking his tongue in exasperation, as the omega chuckled softly at the thought.

Walking back from the store was nowhere near as fast or convenient as the walk there had been and his feet were getting wet, but Eren quickly came to realize once more that the biggest benefit of being under an umbrella with Levi was that they were in their own world. With the rain falling all around them, they were in their own little bubble of relative dryness, lending an almost calming air to the situation. The constant pitter-patter of fat rain drops echoed above them as they slowly walked home and muted any other sounds around them. There weren't many cars around, so they didn't have to worry about getting splashed.

"I love you, Levi. Thank you for picking me up again." Eren took the opportunity to kiss his mate on the temple when they paused at a red light. Normally he would have jaywalked, but the omega was in no desperate hurry. In fact, he liked how Levi couldn't avoid him as he looped his arm around his husband's. The alpha could try to remove his arm, but it was the same arm that was currently holding the umbrella and doing so might dislodge the covering on their heads. So, instead, the dark-haired male let out a noncommittal grunt, clicking his tongue.

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