Wedding Night [Marriage 7]

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Staring out the window at the faraway glittering lights, Levi still wasn't sure it was real, but somehow he'd married the brat. A part of him was still surprised that Eren had agreed to it, given how shitty the alpha knew his personality was. There was also still the age difference between them – he was already thirty-three and the brat had barely finished college two years ago.

Levi's mind was still in a whirl about all the events that had transpired in the last twelve hours. Saying their vows in front of an altar, in front of all their friends and what little family either of them had. The embarrassing speeches and congratulations that were given out. The fact he had actually slow danced with Eren on the ballroom floor in front of so many pairs of eyes. Hange and the rest of them gave him shit about it of course, but he still couldn't believe it had happened.

Glancing at the simple band, he anxiously twisted it around his finger to make sure it wasn't just all make-believe. Eren wore a matching one, and both were inscribed with the date inside. Their wedding date.

Today's date.

He had eventually dragged Eren away from the reception at quarter to nine – the brat had way too many goodbyes to say – and now it was their wedding night. Strangely, Levi was feeling, quite simply: nervous. His heart beat rapidly in a staccato rhythm; the sound of blood in his ears seemed to blot out all conscious thought. Neither of them were virgins and they had had sex more times than the alpha could count, but somehow the gravity of the occasion made him sweat a little.

His mate had said that he needed to use the bathroom and had been locked inside for at least twenty minutes, if not longer. The shower had been running for the first few minutes, but it had been at least ten minutes since the water turned off and in the interim, questions and doubts began to assault the alpha.

Levi had never expected to marry or to have such a caring young omega as his mate. To love.

What if it was all a dream? What if after their marriage, things fell apart? What if something went wrong? Marriage was a foreign concept to the alpha that it was difficult imagining how things would change. Even if they would have to take it step by step, all Levi knew was that he wanted to rest of his life with Eren by his side. His mate had become such an integral part of his life, that the thought of being without the omega felt like a void.

The slow click of the lock turning caused his head to dart up. Less than a fraction later, Levi's brain short circuited.

All the anxiety drained away as his mate shyly stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in all white. A thin sheer night robe, shimmering with lace and small ribbons covered those gorgeous tanned limbs. His arms were similarly attired, long gloves running up to his elbows, giving the brunette's arms a softer, more feminine appearance. Underneath, Levi could see a matching, snowy white negligee trimmed with ivory lace and dotted with small rosettes. Held up by two thin straps, the silky fabric draped sensually over Eren's body, flaring slightly at the ends, falling slightly below his hips and just covering the curve of that perfect ass. The alpha's darkening silver gaze continued down past the dressing gown, where the he could see garters trailing up and under the white silk, likely attached to a garter belt. At the other end of the white straps were lacy stockings, tightly encasing those long legs.

Before his mate was even half way to him, Levi was already rock-hard. Filthy, erotic images of what he would do filled his mind. He wanted to possess Eren, to ravage the omega until he couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down. Fuck the younger male so hard that all Eren could do would be to scream his name over and over again as he came.

There was a sexy little sway in Eren's gait as the omega walked closer. Each step caused the thin silky material to shift a little, drawing Levi's attention to the lines of his omega's lithe body. It was like Eren was dressed in a lingerie version of a female wedding dress, so pure yet so wanton at the same time.

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