Reconciliation [Feelings 3]

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"Mikasa stop!"

"Why? Someone has to teach that midget a lesson."

Eren could hear the violence in her tone. In all his time knowing her, if she threatened to do something, she would. And most painfully too. They had grown up next door to each other after she moved next door with her adoptive parents. Mikasa's parents were killed during a break-in and she was found standing over the bodies. When he first met her, she was very solemn and uncommunicative, but their families grew close and they were raised almost like brother and sister. But sometimes, he hated how she felt like he always needed to be protected.

He sighed as he entered the lobby, following a furious Mikasa. It had been a week since he had last come here, to the building that Levi lived. One week since he had stormed out the door. It had been a Friday evening when he had stormed out, and now, seven days, nine hours, and some thirty or so minutes later, he found himself trying to restrain his sister of the heart from going on a murdering spree.

When he had left the apartment, he had only grabbed his phone and wallet. Thankfully it was the summer, and the teachers at his summer school were pretty chill, so he simply borrowed stuff from Armin. Eren thought he had walked off most of his anger, but the moment the blonde mushroom brought up Levi, he recalled flying into a frenzy and ranting about the man. And Armin, that traitor, had told Mikasa who had flown back from her summer training in LA, just yesterday. Which was why he was here now.

"Just let me talk to him, please..." He pleaded once they got in the elevator.

"Eren, talking is what caused that midget to hurt you in the first place."

Ding. Before he could stop her, she strong-armed out of the elevator and knocked on the penthouse door. More like pounded actually; he bet the people beneath them could have heard the sound.


"That midget better not be hiding..."

"Maybe he's not here...?" He clutched her arm and tried to tug her away, but she wouldn't budge.

Before he could persuade her to turn around, the door opened to a very pissed off Levi. The man looked like he barely slept. The rings around his eyes were more pronounced than usual and a few strands of his usually well-kept hair stuck up at odd angles.

"Do you shitty brats have any clue what time it is? It's five fucking o'clock in the morning." His dark eyes flicked to Eren and narrowed slightly. "Well, what do you want, brat?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but Mikasa beat him to the punch. Literally.

Her fist came flying out, aimed straight for Levi's head. Time literally slowed down, as he watched as Levi pivoted, sidestepped, grabbed her arm, and twisted it backwards. Somehow his knee found its way behind her back, forcing her down on the ground, with her right arm bent in a weird angle and her left barely breaking her fall. It had taken mere fractions of a second.

"Mikasa!" He yelled as the girl struggled under Levi's hold.

"Let go of me you midget!"

"Why? I could sue you for assault and attempted bodily harm." Levi twisted harder and she cried out in pain. The sound broke Eren out of his reverie from seeing his best friend pinned down. He tried to shove Levi off, but the older male wouldn't budge.

"Levi, let Mikasa go, please."

"She just tried to punch me in the face, brat. I might still be half-asleep, but I'm not stupid."

"You deserved it." He heard her mumble darkly and those grey eyes thin dangerously as Levi caught her statement. The grip on her arm tightened and he could see the pain in her eyes, despite the militant expression on her face.

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