House Shopping [Marriage 3]

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Jean sighed as he looked back at the bickering couple behind him. Normally he would have told them to shut up or refused to help them altogether, but dealing with Eren and Levi was tricky. Jean knew his chances at winning against the latter were nonexistent, and arguing with the former would only result in him being painfully killed by the latter. After seeing the sound beating that the shorter alpha had given to Reiner back in the day, and knowing the older male had one-upped Mikasa, Jean knew better than to press his luck. The man was dangerous, lethal even.

He didn't know what to think about the couple, especially Levi.

At first glance, Eren's mate wasn't much of a threat being short and all, but after knowing the man for even just a little while, Jean was intimated by Levi Ackerman. It was freaky how the guy's expression never changed, like in the Terminator movies or something, except when he got angry. Even then, there wasn't that much of a shift from his neutral expression. Jean had no clue how the suicidal bastard was able to stand to be around such an enigma, let alone be able to read his expressions and flirt with him, which was what Eren had been doing until Jean had walked out of the room. Maybe it was because the man didn't like him, but if Jean had not seen Eren's mate smiling at his friend the way he did, he would have never have guessed them to be so enamored with one another.

Eren defended the man vigorously whenever anything bad was said about his mate. And Jean knew better than to make fun of Eren or their relationship within earshot of the older male, lest he receive another death glare and everything else that was promised once in private. He did not want to get on the bad side of Eren's mate. If looks could literally kill, that grey gaze would. Worse, Levi Ackerman would deliver on his promise if he got on the man's bad side.

Then there were the weird-ass smirks Levi kept sending his way. Or the secretive whispers he'd give to Eren after pointing at Jean, especially if he caught Jean staring at them. It seemed like they were always in some sort of improper embrace, as though the dark-haired midget was showing off and purposely enjoying making him feel uncomfortable. Eren, being the suicidal bastard he was, Jean could understand. But not Eren's mate.

He really didn't know Eren's fiancé all that well. Eren's twenty-first birthday had been the first time he had met Levi Ackerman, but the man was antisocial and hardly talkative, so it wasn't like they had any real conversation. He knew that the older man worked at Survey Corps and was fairly well off, but other than that, he'd only heard occasional tidbits from Armin or Eren about the alpha. All Jean was really certain of was that it was a better idea to stay on the man's good side.

He had been bringing the engaged couple to look at houses over the last two weeks, but it was exasperating to say the least. If the two of them weren't making out in one of the rooms somewhere, then they were arguing over the place. Everything was up for debate; from the lack of soundproofing, which Jean secretly thought was a legitimate concern after these past two weeks, to the cost, which was Eren's concern since Levi could easily afford any of the homes they looked at, to the lack of hardwood floors, which Levi believed would be infinitely easier to clean than carpeting.

Even the smallest reason could end up disqualifying a place with one or the other of them. Such was the case with one house, which both of them had agreed was pretty close to perfect but had an island that was just slightly too tall. Jean supposed that counter height did matter when it came to prepping food, but the reason it didn't work for Levi and Eren was because it made kitchen sex, yes kitchen sex difficult. The suicidal bastard and the midget had actually positioned themselves to test the height. Jean internally vowed he was not going anywhere near that island, or any kitchen counter in any of the houses they were viewing for that matter. Honestly, he wished they would just choose and get it over with already; it was driving him insane.

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